
Terms for subject Religion containing Римское | all forms
аудитор казначейства Папы РимскогоAuditor Camerae ("Auditor of the Papal Treasury", A.C.)
викарий Папы Римскогоcardinal vicar (The Pope governs his own diocese of Rome through such an official)
Восточная Римская империяEastern Roman Empire The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which maintained itself for a thousand years after the western half broke up in the late 5th century AD. The eastern half survived until 1453 as the Byzantine Empire
Восточная Римская империяByzantine Empire
враждебный Папе Римскому и папствуantipapal (Opposing or hostile to the Holy See and Pope in opinion, sympathy, or practice)
Двенадцать богов римскихConsentes Dii The twelve chief Roman deities – Jupiter, Apollo, Neptune, Mars, Mercury, Vulcan, Juno, Diana, Minerva, Venus, Ceres, and Vesta
догматы Римско-католической церквиRoman Catholicism
Его Святейшество Папа РимскийMost Holy Father
казначейство Папы РимскогоCamera Apostolica ("apostolic camera", Papal Treasury, Cam.Ap.)
казначейство Папы РимскогоCamera (Papal Treasury, Cam.)
календарь Римско-католической церквиordo (List of offices and feasts of the Roman Catholic Church for each day of the year)
камерарий Папы РимскогоChamberlain to the Pope
католическая формула объявления об избрании нового Папы Римскогоgaudium magnum nuntio vobis
Книга Пап РимскихLiber Pontificalis ("Book of the Popes" that provides information on all Popes starting from St. Peter the Apostle)
Кольцо рыбака с печатью Папы РимскогоFisherman's Ring (The Pope's signet ring showing St. Peter as a fisherman and the reigning Pope's name inscribed around the border)
латынь Римско-католической церквиLiturgical Latin
легат Папы РимскогоApostolicae Sedis Legatus ("legate of the apostolic see", Ap.Sed.Leg.)
Марк, Папа РимскийMark (Pope from January 18 to October 7, 336. He is credited with having given the bishops of Ostia the right to consecrate new Popes)
младшие боги греко-римского пантеонаdii minores (Latin for "minor gods")
молебственные дни в Римско-католической церквиGang Days
молебственные дни в Римско-католической церквиRogation Days
недельный священник в Римско-католической церквиhebdomadary
непогрешимость Папы Римскогоinfallibilitas ex cathedra
ночь на Агнессу РимскуюSaint Agnes' Eve (The night of January 20th, when, according to legend, a woman will dream of her future husband)
Облаты преподобной Франциски РимскойOblates of St. Frances of Rome
Облаты преподобной Франциски РимскойOblate Congregation of Tor de' Specchi
относящийся к Западной, или Латинской, или Римско-католической церквиWestern (Of or relating to the Western Church)
относящийся к Папе Римскомуapostolical
относящийся к Папе Римскомуapostolic
Папа РимскийPatriarch of Rome
Папа РимскийSergius
Папа РимскийPapa ("Pope", Pa.)
Папа РимскийSanctissimus Dominus Noster ("our Most Holy Lord", Jesus Christ, also a title of the Pope, SS.D.N.)
Папа РимскийPope (A prelate who as bishop of Rome is the head of the Roman Catholic Church)
Папа РимскийSummus Pontifex "Supreme Pontiff", Pope, сокр. S.P.
Папа РимскийBeatissime Pater ("most holy father", B.P.)
Папа Римскийpontiff (= Pope)
Папа Римскийpontifex
Папа Римскийvicar of Christ
Папа Римский Николай IIINicholas (Pope from 1277 to 1280. A political realist, he accepted the idea that every cardinal was the agent of a political interest, and he exalted his own family, the Orsini, who acquired increasing influence in church policy and administration)
Папа Римский Николай I ВеликийNicholas the Great
печать Папы Римскогоbull (The lead seal traditionally affixed to papal letters)
подготовитель дел для судебного разбирательства в Римско-католической церквиqualificator
подражать Римско-католической церквиlatinize (To cause to resemble the Roman Catholic Church)
послание Папы Римскогоbreve
посланник Папы Римскогоnuncio
Постановления святых апостолов через Климента, римского епископа и гражданинаOrdinances of the Holy Apostles through Clement
Постановления святых апостолов через Климента, римского епископа и гражданинаConstitutio Apostolica ("apostolic constitution", Const.Ap.)
Постановления святых апостолов через Климента, римского епископа и гражданинаApostolic Constitutions
праздники Римско-католической Церквиholy days of obligation (In the Roman Catholic Church, days on which Catholics are bound to hear mass and to abstain "from servile work")
Пресвятая Римско-католическая церковьSancta Romana Ecclesia ("Most Holy Roman Church", S.R.E.)
Пресвятой Римско-католической церквиSanctae Romanae Ecclesia ("of the Most Holy Roman Church", S.R.E.)
престол Папы РимскогоApostolica Sedes ("apostolic see", Ap.Sed.)
престол Папы Римскогоapostolic see
произволение Папы РимскогоPapal dispensation
ректор Римско-католической церквиrector (A Roman Catholic priest directing a church with no pastor or one whose pastor has other duties)
Римская империяRome (= Roman Empire)
Римская империяRoman Empire (An empire consisting primarily of a loose confederation of German and Italian territories under the suzerainty of an emperor and existing from the 9th or 10th century to 1806)
Римская курияthe Roman Curia (the group of various Vatican bureaus that assist the Pope in the day-to-day exercise of his primatial jurisdiction over the Roman Catholic church)
Римский епископbishop of Rome
римский народPopulus Romanus ("people of Rome", P.R.)
римский престолRoman see (slitely_mad)
Римско-католическая церковьWestern Church
Римско-католическая церковьRoman Catholic Church Church of Roman Catholicism that is characterized by a hierarchic structure of bishops and priests in which doctrinal and disciplinary authority are dependent upon apostolic succession, with the Pope as head of the episcopal college
Римско-католическая церковьRome (= Roman Catholicism)
Римско-католическая церковь РумынииRoman Catholic Church of Romania (An Eastern Catholic church of the Byzantine rite, in communion with Rome)
римско-католическийRoman Catholic (Of, relating to, or being a Christian church having a hierarchy of priests and bishops under the Pope, a liturgy centered in the Mass, veneration of the Virgin Mary and saints, clerical celibacy, and a body of dogma including transubstantiation and papal infallibility)
римско-католическийLatin (Of or relating to the part of the Catholic Church that until recently used a Latin rite and forms the patriarchate of the Pope)
самоуничижительное наименование Пап Римскихservus servorum Dei
сборник жизнеописаний святых Римско-католической церквиActa Sanctorum
Сборник формул, принятых римской куриейLiber Durnus Romanorum Pontificum (685-751, a book of formulae accepted by the Roman curia that remained in effect until the 11th century)
Святая Палата Римско-католической церквиSanctum Officium (Congregation of the Holy Office, Inquisition, S.Off.)
Святая Палата Римской католической церквиHoly Office (A congregation of the curia charged with protecting faith and morals)
священнослужители и паства Римско-католической церквиthe clergy and the laity of the Roman obedience
сенат и римский народSenatus Populusque Romanus
Смешанная международная комиссия по богословскому диалогу между Православной Церковью и Римско-Католической ЦерковьюJoint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches (wikipedia.org 'More)
Смешанная международная комиссия по богословскому диалогу между Православной Церковью и Римско-Католической ЦерковьюJoint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church (wikipedia.org 'More)
соответствие учению Римско-католической церквиCatholicity (The character of being in conformity with a Catholic church)
сторонник императора в борьбе против Папы РимскогоCaesarean Any supporter of emperor in his struggle against the Pope
теория примата Папы РимскогоPetrine theory
титулование Папы РимскогоSanctitas Vestra ("Your Holiness", S.V.)
титулование Папы РимскогоBeatitudo Vestra ("Your Holiness", B.V.)
Трактат о власти и примате Папы РимскогоTreatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
Трактат о власти и примате Папы РимскогоAppendix on the Papacy
формула полного отлучения от Римско-католической Церквиbell, book and candle (The phrase for ceremonial excommunication in the Roman Catholic Church)
хранитель спокойствия в Римской и Византийской империяхirenarch
цензор Римско-католической церквиcensor liborum (A Roman Catholic censor of books)
член какой-либо римско-католической общиныoblate