
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Библиотека | all forms | exact matches only
академическая библиотекаAcademic Library (A site template that offers a protected document library for educational institutions where students can discover, acquire, and consume selected content that is subject to digital rights management)
архивная библиотекаpreservation hold library (A SharePoint document library in which content is stored after being deleted or modified so that it can be accessed for electronic discovery or other legal purposes)
база данных библиотекиlibrary database (A collection of procedures and database objects that you can call from any application. In order to use the items in the library, you must first establish a reference from the current database to the library database)
библиотека анимацииAnimation Library (A library that developers can use in their applications throughout the new Windows user interface)
библиотека баз данныхlibrary database
библиотека базовых классовbase class library (A library that contains base classes)
библиотека видеодекодера Windows MediaWindows Media video decoder library
библиотека видеокодировщика Windows MediaWindows Media video encoder library
библиотека времени выполненияrun-time library (A file that contains one or more prewritten routines to perform specific, commonly used functions. Programmers use an RTL primarily in high-level languages such as C to avoid rewriting these routines)
библиотека времени выполненияruntime library (Andy)
библиотека динамической компоновкиdynamic-link library (An operating system feature that allows executable routines (generally serving a specific function or set of functions) to be stored separately as files with .dll extensions. These routines are loaded only when needed by the program that calls them; DLL)
библиотека динамической компоновки с неуправляемым кодомunmanaged dynamic-link library (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека динамической компоновки с неуправляемым кодомnative dynamic-link library (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека Windows для JavaScriptWindows Library for JavaScript (A set of APIs that developers use to create UI for Windows by using JavaScript)
библиотека для проверки подлинности носителя веб-токенов JSONlibrary for performing JSON Web Token JWT Bearer Authentication (JWT; Azure Active Directory Rori)
библиотека документовdocument library (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored)
Библиотека документовDocument Library
библиотека дополненийExtras Library (A renaming of the Vista Program Library experience that showcases and allows quick access to installed Media Center Extras. Rori)
библиотека дополненийExtras Library (A renaming of the Vista Program Library experience that showcases and allows quick access to installed Media Center Extras)
библиотека драйверов Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows Driver Library (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
библиотека драйверов WindowsWindows Driver Library (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
библиотека драйверов WindowsWDL
библиотека записанных телепередачRecorded TV Library (A Windows library that allows users to store, manage and share all their recorded TV items)
библиотека изображенийphoto library (Andy)
библиотека классовframework (grafleonov)
библиотека коллекции командного проектаteam project collection library (ssn)
библиотека компонентов WindowsWindows component library (A library of components that have a version that can be independent from the major Windows version. The Windows Store manages the process of ensuring that the correct version of the Windows component library is present when the app is installed on a Windows 8 PC. These libraries, which include Windows Library for JavaScript, C Runtime Libraries (CRT), and PlayReady DRM, are essential to the creation of Windows Store apps)
библиотека контентаcontent library (A data repository, in which items such as text, text boxes, pictures, tables, shapes, etc. can be stored and re-used within the same document and across multiple documents)
библиотека курсоровcursor library (A part of the ODBC and DB-Library application programming interfaces (APIs) that implements client cursors)
библиотека машинного кодаnative library (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека неуправляемого кодаnative library (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека облакаcloud library (A grouping of read-only library shares that are assigned to a private cloud and a location where self-service users of a private cloud can store virtual machines or services. Rori)
библиотека объектовobject library (A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties)
библиотека отчётаreport library (A structured set of files (row worksheets, column worksheets and reporting trees) that are combined to create a financial report)
библиотека отчётовreport library (A structured set of files (row worksheets, column worksheets and reporting trees) that are combined to create a financial report)
библиотека подключений к даннымData Connection Library (A document library, located on a site running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, that contains a collection of universal data connection (.udcx) and Office data connection (.odc) files)
библиотека-распределительDrop Off Library (A SharePoint document library where users can upload files that are then routed automatically to the correct library or folder in the site based upon rules defined by the site administrator)
библиотека расширенного управления группамиEnhanced Group Management Library (Andy)
библиотека результатовresults library (A location on the local computer where Windows Assessment Console job results are stored)
библиотека ресурсовresource domain
библиотека ресурсовresource DLL (A dynamic-link library (DLL) that contains instructions for managing one or more types of cluster resources in a failover cluster or server cluster)
библиотека ресурсовAsset Library (A library that provide content types with common properties, and enhanced views to find and preview rich media, also called digital assets)
DLL библиотека ресурсовresource
библиотека слайдовSlide Library (A folder where a collection of PowerPoint slides is shared)
библиотека совместимости приложений UIapplication compatibility UI library (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
DLL-библиотека совместимости приложения служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services application compatibility DLL (Windows 8.1 ssn)
библиотека содержимогоcontent library
библиотека сообщенийmessage library (ssn)
библиотека сообщений совместимости приложенийapplication compatibility message library (Windows Server 2003 R2 ssn)
библиотека среды выполненияruntime library (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека стороннего производителяthird-party library (Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека управленияmanagement library (Andy)
библиотека шаблонных классов ATLActive Template Library (A set of compact, template-based C++ classes that simplify the programming of Component Object Model objects. ATL provides the mechanism to use and create COM objects)
библиотека шаблонов C++ для среды выполнения WindowsWindows Runtime C++ Template Library (A library that provides infrastructure for the Windows Runtime; it can also be used to create a language projection to build Windows Runtime components in C++ and for app building)
библиотека шаблонов формform template library (The location, in the top-level site of a site collection, where the form templates that have been activated by an administrator are stored)
библиотеки подключений к данным в семействах веб-сайтовdata connection libraries on site collections (InfoPath 2013 ssn)
вспомогательная библиотекаhelper library (ssn)
вспомогательная библиотека трассировки событийevent trace helper library (Windows 8 ssn)
вызов неуправляемого кода из библиотек динамической компоновкиcalling into native dynamic-link libraries (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
загружаемый пакет библиотеки Windows для JavaScriptdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
клиентская библиотекаclient library (ssn)
клиентская библиотека совместимости приложенийapplication compatibility client library (Windows 8.1 ssn)
кэширование библиотеки приложенийapplication library caching (In Silverlight, a feature that enables applications to use external library assemblies retrieved from the server or from the local browser cache)
мастер компонентов библиотеки ATLATL Pipeline Component Wizard (A Visual C++ wizard that uses ATL and additional templates to facilitate the development of pipeline components)
мастер создания MFC-библиотек для интеллектуальных устройствMFC Smart Device DLL Wizard (A wizard in Smart Device Development. It is used to create an MFC DLL project. The users get a working starter application that has built-in functionality that, when it is compiled, will implement the basic features of a DLL)
междоменная библиотекаcross-domain library (A JavaScript library available in apps for SharePoint to allow cross-domain client-level communication. Rori)
многоязыковая библиотекаTranslation Management Library
набор библиотек базовых классовset of base class libraries (Alex_Odeychuk)
неуправляемая библиотекаnative library
обновление библиотекиlibrary refresh (The process by which Virtual Machine Manager indexes files stored on library shares, and then updates Library view and resource listings. Periodic library refreshes can be scheduled, or individual library shares can be refreshed as needed)
общая библиотекаshared library (A container for assumptions and metadata (dimensions, hierarchies, forms and reports, inter-model mappings, DTS packages that are used by PerformancePoint Server, and PerformancePoint Server data sources) that are global to any child model site of the root model site, or of a model site with which the library is associated. The assumptions and metadata of a shared library are for the exclusive consumption of these child models and are not available outside their immediate model family)
общая библиотекаShared library (Chocky)
общая папка библиотекиlibrary share (A share that has been added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. To be available for use in creating virtual machines, a resource must be stored on a library share and must be added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. When a library server is added to Virtual Machine Manager, shares on the library server are automatically discovered)
общая папка библиотеки коллекции командного проектаteam project collection library share (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
общая папка библиотеки командного проектаteam project library share (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
общая папка библиотеки только для чтенияread-only library share (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
параметры конфигурации динамических библиотекdynamic link library configuration options (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
переносимая библиотекаportable library
переносимая библиотека классовportable class library (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
платформенно-зависимая библиотекаnative library (oracle.com Alex_Odeychuk)
потоковая библиотека Windows MediaWindows Media streaming library (A library providing a set of APIs that are used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage and retrieval using computer technology, usually involving compression and encryption technology)
представление библиотекиLibrary view (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator manages library servers, shares, resources, and stored virtual machines)
профилирование библиотеки динамической компоновкиProfile a dynamic link library (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
расширенная динамическая библиотека средств отображения видеоEnhanced Video Renderer DLL (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Rori)
сервер библиотекиlibrary server (A server that makes shares available to store resources in the Virtual Machine Manager library. The library is managed centrally through the Library view of the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console. A Virtual Machine Manager agent installed on the library server provides metadata about the shares and resources to Virtual Machine Manager)
средство исправления URL-адресов библиотеки формForm Library URL Repair Tool (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files. Rori)
статическая библиотекаstatic library
файл библиотекиlibrary file (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
централизованно управляемая библиотека подключенийcentrally managed connection library (InfoPath 2007 Rori)