
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一次性总付递延纳年金single-premium deferred annuity
不动产housing and land tax
不动产immovable property tax
不动产house and land tax
不动产real estate tax
不动产购置tax on the acquisition of immovable property
不动产购置real property acquisition tax
个人所得personal income tax
中华人民共和国土地增值暂行条例Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Land Appreciation Tax
中部非洲关和经济联盟Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa
付息和纳前收益earning before interest and taxes
价格附加value added tax
企业所得 enterprise income tax
估计estimated tax
估计的estimated amount of tax
保险赔款benefit tax
全国负平等协会National Tax Equality Association
公平equitable tax system
共同市场共同关common customs tariff of the common market
和贸易总协定general agreement on tariffs and trade
农业agricultural tax
分配apportioned tax
利润增长额特别extra tax on profit increased
利益均衡interest equalization tax
原油平衡crude oil equalization tax
土地land taxation
土地增值 betterment tax of land
土地增值 betterment levy of land
土地空置vacant land tax
土地闲置land holding tax
地产land tax
地产land holding tax
城市地产tax on urban land
城市房产urban house tax
城市房地产urban house-land tax
城镇土地使用land use tax
增值价值value added tax
deed tax
码头交货条件ex quay, duty paid
实物土地land tax collected in kind
实际边际marginal effective tax rate
市场交易market transaction tax
延期纳deferred taxes
建筑building tax
总收入gross receipts tax
房产roof tax
房产house property tax
房产house tax
房产building tax
投资收抵免investment credit
排放emission tax
收益yield tax
最低选择minimum alternative tax
毛收入gross receipts tax
牧业animal husbandry tax
现行existing taxes
登记及执照registration and license tax
石油和天然气收入petroleum and gas revenue tax
石油收入petroleum revenue tax
利润before tax
利润after tax
后收益earnings after tax
收地籍fiscal cadastre
讫码头交货条件ex quay, duty paid
美国关税率表Tariff Schedule of the United States
美洲关同盟American Tariff League
耕地占用cultivated land occupancy tax
营业收入revenue duty
西非关同盟West African Customs Union
设施和服务facilities and services tax
财产增益accessions tax
货物consignment tax
购房building tax
资产重估assets revaluation tax
资本利得tax on capital gain
资本利息capital interest tax
资本转让capital transfer tax
赠与及遗产gift and estate tax
超利润super profit tax
超额利润附加excess profits levy
进口关咨询委员会Import Duties Advisory Committee
遗产收入inheritance tax return
遗产继承death duty
遗产继承inheritance tax
遗产继承legacy tax
遗产继承settlement estate duty
遗产继承estate tax
遗产继承estate duty
附加complementary tax
非关壁垒non tariff barriers
预付tax paid in advance
预估应纳estimated tax payable
预提所得withholding income tax