
Terms for subject General containing unfair | all forms | exact matches only
act of unfair competitionакт недобросовестной конкуренции (any use which constitutes an act of unfair competition within the meaning of Article°10bis of the Paris Convention (1967). | For example, an omission to act can also be considered an act of unfair competition. | The new provision states than an act of unfair competition is committed by: "anyone who, in particular, makes use of general conditions of ... Alexander Demidov)
be engaged in unfair labour practicesнавязывать несправедливую рабочую практику
be engaged in unfair labour practicesнасаждать несправедливую рабочую практику
be engaged in unfair labour practicesнасаждать несправедливую рабочую практику
be engaged in unfair labour practicesнавязывать несправедливую рабочую практику
charges of unfair practiceобвинение в незаконной практике
he freezed out his rivals by unfair meansон отделывался от конкурентов нечестными методами
he is unfair to herон несправедлив к ней
he made a very unfair crack about her looksон отпустил совершенно неуместную шутку по поводу её наружности
it is unfair of a man to compare his wife with his motherмужчина не должен сравнивать свою жену со своей матерью
it is unfair of a man to compare his wife with his motherмужчина не должен сравнивать жену со своей матерью
it is unfair of herнечестно с её стороны
it is unfair of youнечестно с вашей стороны
it is unfair to judge them by our standardsнесправедливо судить о них по нашей мерке
it is unfair to judge them by our standardsневерно судить о них по нашей мерке
it'd be unfair to sayгрех сказать (Interex)
take unfair advantage ofупотреблять во зло
transaction with unfair preferenceсделка с предпочтением (tfennell)
unfair competitionполучение необоснованных конкурентных преимуществ (Business practices complained of by firms whose rivals offer prices or use methods with which they are unable or unwilling to compete. For example, they may allege that foreign competitors receive help from their governments in the form of subsidies or cheap loans, which their own government does not provide; or that rivals are unhampered by laws on health and safety which they have to obey. A cynic might define unfair competition as competition viewed by the losers. OE Alexander Demidov)
unfair competitionнедобросовестная конкуренция (Unfair competition in a sense means that the competitors compete on unequal terms, because favorable or disadvantageous conditions are applied to some competitors but not to others; or that the actions of some competitors actively harm the position of others with respect to their ability to compete on equal and fair terms. It contrasts with fair competition, in which the same rules and conditions are applied to all participants, and the competitive action of some does not harm the ability of others to compete. Often, unfair competition means that the gains of some participants are conditional on the losses of others, when the gains are made in ways which are illegitimate or unjust. wiki Alexander Demidov)
unfair competitionнечестная конкуренция (From Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (En-En) unfair competition 1. acts done by a seller to confuse or deceive the public with intent to acquire a larger portion of the market, as by cutting prices below cost, misleading advertising, selling a spurious product under a false identity, etc. 2. the use of any such methods. From OxfordEconomics (En-En) unfair competition Business practices complained of by firms whose rivals offer prices or use methods with which they are unable or unwilling to compete. For example, they may allege that foreign competitors receive help from their governments in the form of subsidies or cheap loans, which their own government does not provide; or that rivals are unhampered by laws on health and safety which they have to obey. A cynic might define unfair competition as competition viewed by the losers. Alexander Demidov)
unfair criticismнеобоснованная критика (Alex_Odeychuk)
unfair criticismнесправедливая критика (Novoross)
unfair dismissal claimиск о восстановлении на работе (An employee normally requires at least one year's service with his or her employer in order to be eligible to pursue an unfair dismissal claim. LE Alexander Demidov)
unfair firmфирма, не выполняющая требований профсоюза в отношении ставок заработной платы
unfair firmфирма, не выполняющая требований профсоюзов в отношении ставок заработной платы
unfair houseфирма, не выполняющая требований профсоюзов в отношении ставок заработной платы
unfair judgementнесправедливое решение
unfair-labor-practiceнеправомерные действия предпринимателей (Кунделев)
unfair-labor-practice complaintжалоба профсоюза и рабочих на действия предпринимателей (Кунделев)
unfair labour practicesдискриминация при приёме на работу или в отношении условий оплаты труда
unfair listчёрный список (включает предприятия, не выполняющие требований профсоюза)
unfair opponentнечестный противник
unfair personнечестный человек (Soulbringer)
unfair playerнечестный игрок
unfair practicesнечестная игра (Eoghan Connolly)
unfair practicesнедобросовестные приёмы
unfair sentenceнесправедливый приговор
unfair shuffler of cardsподтасовщик
unfair shufflingподтасовка (of cards)
unfair trialшемякин суд
unfair trialнеправый суд (Супру)
unfair verdictнесправедливое решение
you are unfair to himвы несправедливо судите о нем
you are unfair to himвы несправедливы к нему