
Terms for subject General containing surname | all forms | exact matches only
address him by his surnameобращаться к нему по фамилии (by his Christian name, by his nickname, etc., и т.д.)
birth surnameдевичья фамилия (Taras)
Christian name and surnameимя и фамилия
double surnameдвойная фамилия (In English-speaking and some other Western countries, a double-barrelled name (or double surname) is a family name with two parts, which may or may not be joined with a hyphen. It may also be known as a hyphenated name. An example of a hyphenated double-barrelled surname is Moore-Towers; an example of an unhyphenated double-barrelled surname is Vaughan Williams. WK Alexander Demidov)
double-barrelled surnameсоставная фамилия (4uzhoj)
double-barrelled surnameдвойная фамилия (most common phrase: double-barrelled name; In the Western tradition of surnames, there are several types of double surname (also double-barrelled surname) wikipedia.org 'More)
first marriage surnameфамилия по первому мужу (Technical)
first name and surnameимя и фамилия
hyphenated surnameдвойная фамилия (most common phrase in UK: double-barrelled name; In the Western tradition of surnames, there are several types of double surname (also double-barrelled surname). If the two names are joined with a hyphen, it may also be called a hyphenated surname. wikipedia.org 'More)
maiden surnameдевичья фамилия (Taras)
matrilineal surnameфамилия, передающаяся по женской линии (4uzhoj)
surname and first namesфамилия, имя и отчество (Alexander Demidov)
surname and first namesфамилия, имя, отчество (State your surname and first names as they appear on your birth certificate. Alexander Demidov)
surname and initialsфамилия, инициалы (в формах ABelonogov)
surname at birthдевичья фамилия (Errandir)
surname at marriageдобрачная фамилия (4uzhoj)
surname at marriageфамилия при вступлении в брак (раздел 9.(b) MOTHER заверенной копии записи о рождении – Surname at marriage if different from maiden surname Aiduza)
surname, first name, patronymicфамилия, имя, отчество (ABelonogov)
surname passдавать фамилию
surname passдавать прозвище
surname passприсваивать
take the surname ofбрать фамилию
the surname, first name and patronymicфамилия, имя, отчество (bookworm)
triple-barrelled surnameтройная фамилия (A few British upper-class families have "triple-barrelled" surnames (e.g. Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe; Cave-Browne-Cave; Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound; Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby; Smith-Dorrien-Smith; Vane-Tempest-Stewart). These are sometimes created when one spouse has a double-barrelled name and the other has a single surname. Nowadays, such names are almost always abbreviated in everyday use to a single or double-barrelled version. wikipedia.org 'More)
what is your surname?как ваша фамилия?
who only gave his surname asне назвавший своей фамилии и попросивший обращаться к нему по имени (такому-то)
William I had the surname "the Conqueror"Вильгельм I носил прозвище "Завоеватель"
with the surname, first name and patronymic in printс расшифровкой фамилии, имени, отчества (ABelonogov)