
Terms for subject Psychotherapy containing psychotherapy | all forms
Alternative psychotherapyальтернативная психотерапия (Andy)
body-oriented psychotherapyсоматическая психотерапия (financial-engineer)
brief positive psychotherapyкраткосрочная позитивная психотерапия (a method developed by Finnish psychotherapists Tapani Ahola and Ben Furman Don Sebastian)
brief psychotherapyкраткая психотерапия (Brief psychotherapy is a crisis orientation. It particularly addresses the question, "Why Now?" concerning what the issue is that you are seeking help with. Sometimes, being able to discover the answer to that question may be all the resolution that you need, and that's why it's called "brief." It may provide a refocusing of your attention, thinking, and understanding in a way that helps you to get back to your life as it was before that thing happened. Alternatively, it may provide a focus on that event that may reveal deeper meanings or traumatic underpinnings that may need a deeper examination and working through, and that may lead you into an in-depth therapy in order address and resolve those issues in your life. The primary goal of therapy is helping people to find and be their true self. Alex_Odeychuk)
cognitive-behavioural psychotherapyкогнитивно-бихевиоральная терапия (КБТ Andrey Truhachev)
cognitive-behavioural psychotherapyкогнитивно-бихевиористская психотерапия (Andrey Truhachev)
cognitive-behavioural psychotherapyкогнитивно-поведенческая терапия (КПТ Andrey Truhachev)
contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapyсовременная психоаналитическая психотерапия (financial-engineer)
focus of in-depth psychotherapyпредмет глубинной психотерапии (In-depth psychotherapy is aimed at developing a deeper understanding of who you are and why you do and don’t do the things in you life. Whatever it is that you are struggling with, there is some reason that you are struggling with it instead of just being able to manage it easily and smoothly. It is these obstacles that are our focus, so you can deal with them and move on in your life. While this approach does place a high value on looking at the What in your life – what you do, think, feel – it also places an equally high value on the Why. It is the Why that gives the What meaning, and therefore we have a greater possibility of changing the What if we can understand the Why of it. Otherwise, the Why influences what you do and don’t do, though it stays unseen. People sometimes refer to these Whys as the unconscious motivators and actors in our life. It is this inner world of meaning, the intersection between conscious and unconscious that is the focus of in-depth psychotherapy. In a similar way, we look at both your present and past experience, because how you deal with things today is strongly influenced what happened before. If we can discover how those earlier experiences affect your thinking and feeling (and therefore your behaving) today, it is easier for you to make changes in what you do and how you do it from here on. Alex_Odeychuk)
in-depth psychotherapyглубинная психотерапия (In-depth psychotherapy is aimed at developing a deeper understanding of who you are and why you do and don’t do the things in you life. Whatever it is that you are struggling with, there is some reason that you are struggling with it instead of just being able to manage it easily and smoothly. It is these obstacles that are our focus, so you can deal with them and move on in your life. While this approach does place a high value on looking at the What in your life – what you do, think, feel – it also places an equally high value on the Why. It is the Why that gives the What meaning, and therefore we have a greater possibility of changing the What if we can understand the Why of it. Otherwise, the Why influences what you do and don’t do, though it stays unseen. People sometimes refer to these Whys as the unconscious motivators and actors in our life. It is this inner world of meaning, the intersection between conscious and unconscious that is the focus of in-depth psychotherapy. In a similar way, we look at both your present and past experience, because how you deal with things today is strongly influenced what happened before. If we can discover how those earlier experiences affect your thinking and feeling (and therefore your behaving) today, it is easier for you to make changes in what you do and how you do it from here on. Alex_Odeychuk)
insight-oriented psychotherapyинсайт-ориентированная психотерапия (психотерапия, сфокусированная на неосознанные психологические конфликты Alopha)
integrative psychotherapyинтегративная психотерапия (soulveig)
International Association for Forensic PsychotherapyМеждународная ассоциация судебной психотерапии (FreelanceSummer)
modern psychotherapyсовременная психотерапия (Alex_Odeychuk)
practice of psychotherapyпрактика психотерапии (Alex_Odeychuk)
rational psychotherapyрациональная психотерапия
sensorimotor psychotherapyсенсомоторная психотерапия (grafleonov)
somatic psychotherapyсоматическая психотерапия (financial-engineer)
supportive psychotherapyподдерживающая психотерапия (терапия общением Alopha)