
Terms for subject Law containing injurious | all forms | exact matches only
act injurious to the public in generalобщественно-вредное действие
act injurious to the public in generalобщественно-опасное действие
act injurious to the public in generalдействие, наносящее ущерб обществу в целом
injurious actвредоносное действие
injurious actделикт
injurious actionпричинение вреда
injurious actionвредоносное действие
injurious falsehoodложь, наносящая реальный вред (Право международной торговли On-Line)
injurious falsehoodумышленная ложь (malicious falsehood; It is a lie that was uttered with malice, that is, the utterer knew it was false or would cause damage or harm. Malicious falsehood is a false statement made maliciously that causes damage to the claimant. Malicious in this case means the defendant either knew the statement was not true or did not take proper care to check. It is often covered under laws regarding defamation. Alex Lilo)
injurious falsehoodклевета, наносящая реальный вред (Право международной торговли On-Line)
injurious falsehoodзлоумышленный обман (malicious falsehood; It is a lie that was uttered with malice, that is, the utterer knew it was false or would cause damage or harm. Malicious falsehood is a false statement made maliciously that causes damage to the claimant. Malicious in this case means the defendant either knew the statement was not true or did not take proper care to check. It is often covered under laws regarding defamation. Alex Lilo)
injurious natureопасный характер
injurious to the publicобщественно-опасный
injurious to the publicобщественно-вредный
internationally injurious actмеждународно-неправомерное действие
internationally injurious actдеяние, наносящее ущерб международному сообществу