
Terms containing heat-of-passion | all forms | in specified order only
crim.law.heat of passionсостояние аффекта (in a criminal case, when the accused was in an uncontrollable rage at the time of commission of the alleged crime. If so, it may reduce the charge, indictment or judgment down from murder to manslaughter, since the passion precluded the defendant having premeditation or being fully mentally capable of knowing what he/she was doing 4uzhoj)
notar.heat of passionсильное душевное волнение (criminal law)
lawheat of passionсильное душевное волнение
gen.heat-of-passion killingубийство в состоянии аффекта (Leya-Richter)
gen.in the heat of passionотдавшись чувствам (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionвспылив (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionв порыве чувства (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionв горячности (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionсгоряча (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, inf.in the heat of passionвгорячах
Gruzovik, fig.in the heat of passionв угаре страстей
crim.law.in the heat of passionв состоянии аффекта (in a criminal case, when the accused was in an uncontrollable rage at the time of commission of the alleged crime. If so, it may reduce the charge, indictment or judgment down from murder to manslaughter, since the passion precluded the defendant having premeditation or being fully mentally capable of knowing what he/she was doing)
Makarov.in the heat of passionв пылу страсти
gen.in the heat of passionв порыве страсти (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionв горячке (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionраспалившись (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionразгорячившись (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.in the heat of passionвойдя в азарт (Andrey Truhachev)
lawkill in the heat of passionубить в состоянии аффекта
lawkiller in the heat of passionлицо, совершившее убийство в состоянии аффекта
lawkilling in the heat of passionубийство в состоянии аффекта
notar.sudden heat of passionвнезапно возникшее сильное душевное волнение (criminal law)