
Terms containing fall into place | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.fall into placeукладываться
gen.fall into placeулечься
gen.fall into placeскладываться в единую картину (if something complicated or difficult to understand falls or slots into place, it becomes organized or clear in your mind • Then I found his diary and it all began to fall into place. OALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.fall into placeвстать на свои места (Баян)
Makarov.fall into placeвставать на своё место
Makarov.fall into placeстановиться ясным
amer.fall into placeприобретать смысл (Once he knew what to look for, the theory fell quickly into place. Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, fig.fall into placeулечься (pf of укладываться)
idiom.fall into placeсрастаться (I was lucky because everything fell into place at exactly the right time. VLZ_58)
idiom.fall into placeвыстраиваться (в логическую цепочку VLZ_58)
idiom.fall into placeналадиться (VLZ_58)
math.fall into placeстановиться на место
Gruzovik, fig.fall into placeукладываться (impf of улечься)
Makarov.fall into placeвставать на своё место
Makarov.fall into placeстановиться понятным
gen.fall into placeвстать на своё место (Oleksandr Spirin)
gen.fall into placeвставать на свои места (if something complicated or difficult to understand falls or slots into place, it becomes organized or clear in your mind • Then I found his diary and it all began to fall into place. OALD Alexander Demidov)
idiom.fall into placeустаканиться (VLZ_58)
context.naturally fall into place and solve oneselfотпасть (Then, the rest of the issues will naturally fall into place and solve themselves.)
gen.the rest will fall into placeостальное приложится