
Terms containing camp out | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.camp outжить на открытом воздухе
gen.camp outночевать в палатках
Makarov.camp outжить как на биваках
gen.camp outночевать на открытом воздухе
gen.camp outзанять очередь (to wait or queue for something expected to occur, often overnight: ...thousands of kids dressed up as miniature witches and warlocks camping out in front of bookshops at midnight and clamoring for copies they'd ordered in advance.)
Makarov.camp outночевать под открытым небом
trav.camp outпоставить палатку (в знач. "встать лагерем": We spent three days in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario. We were out canoeing with two friends at a place called Rock Lake, then we decided to camp out on the shore. ART Vancouver)
inf.camp outвременно поселиться (у кого-либо; When they were first married, Jim and Mary had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with Mary's parents. VLZ_58)
trav.camp outвстать лагерем (We spent three days in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario. We were out canoeing with two friends at a place called Rock Lake, then we decided to camp out on the shore. ART Vancouver)
gen.camp outжить как на биваках
gen.camp outрасположиться (с палаткой на природе: We camped out by the lake. Val_Ships)
Makarov.camp outжить на биваках
gen.camp outжить в палатках
idiom.camp out on the doorstep ofстоять под дверью (In my humble opinion, the answer lies with the American people who need to remove their blinders and do their own homework and realize that unless they camp out on the doorsteps of their elected representatives and make it clear that the very positions of these representatives are at stake...)
gen.camp-outночёвка в палатке (тж. напр., на заднем дворе Taras)
Makarov.when they were first married, Jim and Mary had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with Mary's parentsкогда Джим и Мери только-только поженились, у них не было собственной квартиры, поэтому им пришлось поселиться у родителей новобрачной