
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing camp | all forms | exact matches only
camp counselorsвожатые (A person who spends their summer working at a camp (think cabins and small children). These individuals fall into three categories; people that like working with children, people that use to go to the camp, people that like to drink with the people in the first two categories. These employees make almost no money and therefore have some external motivation for working at camp. One of the perks of being a camp counselor is the great tan you get while working outside, a downside are the small children that might drown while you tan instead of life guarding. UD. As a leader, role model and moral compass to campers ages 7 – 16, your primary responsibility is overall supervision. You will ensure campers’ well-being and make their camp experience as fun and rewarding as possible. As a Counselor, you will be living with campers 24-hours a day. Alexander Demidov)
camp-meetingбогослужение на открытом воздухе
camp meetingлагерная встреча с проповедником (Ранняя (XVIII – начало XIX в.) форма встречи (revival meeting) с бродячим проповедником (revivalist), при которой все ритуалы совершались на открытом воздухе, иногда под брезентовым тентом, натянутым на колья (tent meeting), в своего рода временном лагере-храме. Ранняя форма богослужения у переселенцев Фронтира тж. см. Frontier Taras)
camp-meetingпроповедь на открытом воздухе
camp-meetingпроповедь или богослужение на открытом воздухе
camp stoveпоходная кухня