
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
add toлишний раз (Я не хотел лишний раз расстраивать вас. – Well, I didn't mean to add to your distress.)
as a general rule, my opinion is that military men must be kept out of it. It's folly to take their adviceя вообще считаю, что военных надо держать в стороне. Глупо с ними советоваться (Эренбург)
as a makeweight to fill out the numbersдля ровного счета (в контексте: He has been signed to the club as a makeweight to fill out the numbers. 4uzhoj)
attributable toобусловленный (kee46)
balls to the wallна все деньги (4uzhoj)
be alert to somethingсерьёзно отнестись к (The authorities should have been alert to the possibility of invasion. 4uzhoj)
be fully prepared to do thatбыть полностью готовым к этому (букв. – сделать это theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
be here to stayникуда не деться (Dmitrarka)
be kept up to dateбыть в курсе (you will be kept up to date on what's happening in the world of sports ART Vancouver)
be partial toпитать особенную слабость к (I like all the food here, but I'm particularly partial to the fried chicken. • She's partial to tall men with dark hair. • I'm not partial to red wine. 4uzhoj)
be plain to seeнаглядно свидетельствовать (вариант требует замены конструкции: From the overview presented above it is plain to see that the imprisonment of women who are also mothers presents manifold and complex problems)
be scheduled toсобираться (в знач. "иметь в своём графике": US secretary of state John Kerry is scheduled to hold a news conference shortly in Kiev. 4uzhoj)
be so good as to love smb and take smb into favourпрошу любить и жаловать ("Ивана Кузмича дома нет, – сказала она, – он пошел в гости к отцу Герасиму; да все равно, батюшка, я его хозяйка. Прошу любить и жаловать." (А.С. Пушкин "Капитанская дочка") – "Iván Kouzmitch is not at home," said she. "He is gone to see Father Garassim. But it's all the same; I am his wife. Be so good as to love us and take us into favour." (Перевод M. P. E. Milne-Home) weblitera.com Tamerlane)
be toбыть достойным (he is more to be pitied than anybody – он больше всех достоин жалости)
be turned to unanticipated usesиспользовать в неожиданных целях (medium.com Alex_Odeychuk)
bring to lifeвыставлять на обозрение публики (the art gallery brings the works of... to life sankozh)
bring to lifeвыставлять напоказ (sankozh)
call out toвзывать к (ART Vancouver)
call out toобращаться к (ART Vancouver)
call to actionпризывать к действию (ВосьМой)
call to actionпобуждать к действию (ВосьМой)
переводится через can I talk toпозвать к телефону (Can I talk to James, please? – Вы не могли бы позвать к телефону Джеймса?)
commit toпринимать решение о (In a brief interview, Mayor James Knowles III said he could not commit to any measures without the City Council, whose meeting on Tuesday night was postponed, Mr. Knowles said, until a bigger site could be found. 4uzhoj)
commit toпринять решение о (4uzhoj)
compared toчем (The front end of the trawl door is closer to the towing vessel during operation compared to its rear end. I. Havkin)
drive away to safetyвывезти (4uzhoj)
face to faceв реале (We have interacted only on Facebook and have never met each other face to face.)
flare out toпереходить в (расширяясь: She had an hourglass waist, flaring out to very sensuous hips. 4uzhoj)
get out to safetyвывезти (в безопасное место: get the captured kids out to safety)
give in to pressureприходиться (в форме "приходится/приходилось"; требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: Microsoft has given in to pressure to patch out-of-date operating systems repeatedly in the past, which likely reduces the pressure for companies to actually make the jump to more modern operating systems. 4uzhoj)
give in to pressureприйтись (в форме "пришлось"; требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: South Africa's government has given in to pressure to increase financial aid given to university students. 4uzhoj)
home toобъединил под своей крышей (Northern Lights Community Centre is home to individuals from various athletic, youth-oriented, ethnic and cultural groups such as yoga and tai chi classes, traditional Taiwanese, hip-hop and modern dancing, vegetarian and insect-based protein food preparation training, an alien abductee support group, and space energy healing. ART Vancouver)
I hope to Godне дай бог (при этом конструкцию предложения нужно перестроить:: I hope to God I don't meet him but if I do... – Если, не дай бог, я его встречу... • When John Gotti Junior was asked, "Do you think they'll be a fifth trial?" He answered, "I hope to God not, but if we have to be prepared for it, we'll be prepared for it." – "Не дай бог, – ответил он, – но..." 4uzhoj)
I hope to God you're rightдай-то бог (4uzhoj)
if one puts their minds to itстоит только захотеть (Argentina, Chile, and other countries could become high-tech agricultural producers, in the forefront of agro-biotechnology for example, if they put their minds to it. reverso.net)
in addition toа также
in order to fill up a gapдля ровного счета (4uzhoj)
is home toв нём проживают (What was once a sleepy Kampong, or village, of attap-roofed houses among coconut trees, strung along a sandy beach is now home to about 21,600 residents in more than 7,800 apartments. bloomberg.com ART Vancouver)
it helps toне помешает (You don't have to like new art, but it helps to understand it. 4uzhoj)
largest-to-dateбеспрецедентный (Abysslooker)
live paycheck to paycheckжить на одну зарплату (букв. – жить от зарплаты до зарплаты; англ. оборот взят из статьи в газете New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
lose someone or something to someone or somethingлишиться (по вине чего-либо; вариант требует замены подлежащего; переводится в зависимости от контекста: We lost him to cancer – его от нас унёс/забрал рак Баян)
lose someone or something to someone or somethingуйти (вариант требует замены подлежащего; переводится в зависимости от контекста: I lost him to my sister – Он ушел от меня к сестре • The club has lost him to Belgium for the rest of the season – он ушел из своего клуба к бельгийцам на весь остаток сезона Баян)
makes no difference to meмне-то что (в знач. "мне все равно" 4uzhoj)
no need toнекуда (no need to hurry Shabe)
OK, I have to give it to ... thatдопу́стим (4uzhoj)
one wants toстоит (4uzhoj)
order to descendотправлять (on: Putin orders troops to descend on eastern Ukraine for 'peacekeeping operations' 4uzhoj)
perilously close toна грани чего-л. в значении приближении опасности (The world came perilously close to losing the panda in the 1980s. VictoriaKara)
put an end toставить крест на (Leonid Dzhepko)
put to restпоставить крест на (на чем-л – контекстуальный перевод, подходит не для всех случаев 4uzhoj)
raise toдовести до (увеличением Kinglet)
reassign toраспределить по (In August, the 5th Parachute Brigade (7th, 12th and 13th Battalions) rejoined the division from the Far East, but was soon disbanded and its men reassigned to the other battalions in the division.)
reduce toдовести до (уменьшением Kinglet)
referring toнасчёт (suburbian)
referring toпо поводу (suburbian)
rise to the challengeприходить на помощь (rise to the challenge of giving users a free access to Internet sankozh)
see to it thatзаставить ("Despite uncertainty about intentions and timing, we must and we will prepare for all contingencies, while working to see to it that Russia reverses course. foreignpolicy.com 4uzhoj)
send to safetyвывезти (в контексте 4uzhoj)
suited to every fancyна любой вкус (ART Vancouver)
take a shine toсжалиться над (Eventually his captor took a shine to him and allowed him to sit upstairs in the building, not in the cellar. He was even given proper food to eat. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
take a shine toсжалиться (очень контекстно: Eventually his captor took a shine to him and allowed him to sit upstairs in the building, not in the cellar. He was even given proper food to eat. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
take away to safetyвывезти (в безопасное место: He says they had to use a flat-bottomed boat to get the families out to safety. 4uzhoj)
take to safetyвывезти (в безопасное место 4uzhoj)
take turns toто, то (требует изменения конструкции)
to a bloody pulpдо талого (andreon)
to all appearancesвнешне (utwardly, externally, on the outside: To all appearances their marriage is fine, but I think she gives him a bad time in private. 4uzhoj)
to be confirmedточно не неизвестный (This controller will be sold separately for $69.99 in the US and £64.99 in the UK with Australian prices yet to be confirmed. – ...пока точно неизвестны 4uzhoj)
to that endв этой связи (в знач. "с этой целью" tavost)
to that endв связи с этим (в знач. "с этой целью" synthetic_index)
to that endв этом направлении (в знач. "с этой целью" YGA)
to that endисходя из этого (в знач. "с этой целью" colombine)
turn to ashesпойти прахом (Olya34)
twist someone's hand to its snapping pointвывернуть руку до хруста (I grabbed Randy's hand and quickly twisted it to its snapping point. He screamed and dropped to his knees, and in that instant I felt someone else rushing toward me. 4uzhoj)
welcome to the clubс почином! (в некоторых контекстах подойдет 4uzhoj)
what one judges to beс чьей-либо точки зрения (Putin will very likely deploy Russian troops into Belarus this winter. He has set all the necessary informational and military conditions to do so and is likely simply waiting for what he judges to be the right moment. understandingwar.org 4uzhoj)
you can always rely on someone to do somethingвечно (вариант требует замены конструкции: Heard you had some trouble along the way. You can always rely on those Russians to try something. – вечно/непременно что-нибудь выкинут grandtheftwiki.com 4uzhoj)
you don't want toне советую (Tell you something, mate, you don't want to get old around here.)
you don't want to knowтебе это не понравится (Dude67)