
Terms for subject Religion containing Ch | all forms | exact matches only
Ch'an schoolшкола чань
Ch'an schoolчань-буддизм
Ch'an schoolчань (School of Buddhism that emphasizes meditation as the way to immediate awareness of ultimate reality, an important practice of Buddhism from its origin in India)
Ch'eng HuangЧэнхуан (In Chinese mythology, the spiritual magistrate and guardian deity of Chinese cities)
ch'iци (In Chinese philosophy, the ethereal substance of which everything is composed)
Ch'ondogyoЦерковь Небесного Пути
Ch'ondogyoЦерковь Чан До ("Religion of the Heavenly Way", indigenous Korean religion that combines elements of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, shamanism, and Roman Catholicism)
ch'ongsuчонгсу (A ritual when converts to Ch'ondogyo dedicate themselves to God by placing clean water on an altar)
Ch'un-ch'iuЧунь цю (One of the Five Classics of Confucianism, the first Chinese chronological history said to be the traditional history of Lu, as revised by Confucius; "Анналы весны и осени")
Chung-li Ch'uanЧжунли Цюань (One of the Eight Immortals of Taoism, he is often depicted as a potbellied, bearded old man holding a fan with a tassel of horse hairs)
Liu-Tsu t'an-ch'ingСутра Помоста шестого патриарха
Liu-Tsu t'an-ch'ing In Ch'an Buddhism, "Platform Scripture of the Sixth Patriarch" reading that all people possess the buddha-nature and that (one's) nature is originally pureСутра Хуэйнэна
ming ch'iмин-ци (Funerary furniture or objects placed in Chinese tombs)
Ta-ch'eng ch'i-hsin lunМахаяна шраддхотпада шастра
Ta-ch'eng ch'i-hsin lunДа чэн ци синь лунь (A Chinese version of Mahayana-shraddhotpada-shastra; it first appeared about 550)
yuan ch'iпервоначальная энергия (In Taoism, "Primordial Breath", the original energy)