
Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development containing Agent | all forms | exact matches only
agent feeплата за агентские услуги
agent feeагентская комиссия (oVoD)
agent feeагентский комиссионный сбор (oVoD)
agent feeвознаграждение за агентские услуги
agent of necessityагент в силу необходимости
customs clearance agentтаможенный посредник (oVoD)
customs clearance agentтаможенный брокер (oVoD)
economic agentсубъект хозяйственной деятельности
economic agentсубъект хозяйствования (raf)
economic agentхозяйственный субъект
economic agentэкономический субъект
economic agentхозяйствующий субъект (In economics, an agent is an actor and decision maker in a model. Typically, every agent makes decisions by solving a well or ill defined optimization/choice problem. The term agent can also be seen as equivalent to player in game theory. For example, buyers and sellers are two common types of agents in partial equilibrium models of a single market. Macroeconomic models, especially dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models that are explicitly based on microfoundations, often distinguish households, firms, and governments or central banks as the main types of agents in the economy. Each of these agents may play multiple roles in the economy; households, for example, might act as consumers, as workers, and as voters in the model. Some macroeconomic models distinguish even more types of agents, such as workers and shoppers[1] or commercial banks. wiki – АД)
economic agentсубъект экономической деятельности
economic agentсубъект рынка
escrow agentэскроу-агент (выполняющий поручение лишь по исполнении поручителем оговоренных условий – предпочительный вариант перевода – русский термин длолжен был быть введен в ГК РФ законом, одобренным в первом чтении ГД РФ в апреле 2012 г. raf)
forwarding agent agreed by customsтаможенный перевозчик (oVoD)
issuing agentэмиссионный агент
paying agentплатёжный агент (An entity responsible for paying bond principal and interest on behalf of the debtor. American Banker Glossary –––– An agent who makes principal and interest payments to bondholders on behalf of the issuer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary –––– A trader known to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and formally set up on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system who transmits import or customs warehouse removal declarations to the CHIEF system. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary Alexander Demidov)
process agentагент, уполномоченный на получение процессуальных документов (oVoD)
process agentагент для получения процессуальных документов (oVoD)
sole and exclusive agentединственный уполномоченный представитель