
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user buhlerav: 58

13.04.2019 13:54:51 gen. affair свершение
24.03.2019 10:03:48 geophys. visual weight зрительная сила
24.03.2019 8:33:36 geophys. gradational color scheme Тональная схема расцветки (Today’s interpreter uses color in two fundamentally different ways: with a contrasting or with a gradational color scheme.)
24.03.2019 8:32:55 geophys. contrasting color scheme контрастная схема расцветки (Today’s interpreter uses color in two fundamentally different ways: with a contrasting or with a gradational color scheme.)
23.03.2019 11:19:12 geophys. amplitude objective high целевой всплеск амплитуд (Figure 1-30 shows a red-over-blue amplitude objective high on structure which at first sight looks prospective.)
23.03.2019 11:11:20 geophys. amplitude termination Прекращение отслеживания амплитуды (Interruptions in surface coverage can cause amplitude terminations at depth which can be confused with stratigraphic boundaries.)
23.03.2019 8:38:36 geophys. no-permit zone неохваченный участок
23.03.2019 8:35:51 geophys. survey access возможность проведения съёмки
23.03.2019 7:47:04 geophys. gridlike сеткообразный (Shot lines and receiver lines are typically laid out perpendicular to each other on land (left), causing the gridlike pattern in amplitude (right).)
23.03.2019 7:43:11 geophys. receiver line приёмная линия
22.03.2019 17:57:02 geophys. otherwise-gradational color scheme контрастно-разностная цветовая схема
22.03.2019 16:24:28 geophys. evidence отчёт
22.03.2019 16:13:02 geophys. image composition совмещение визуализаций
22.03.2019 15:04:06 geophys. horizon attribute display визуализация свойств пласта
22.03.2019 14:54:54 geophys. fault slice сечение по разлому
22.03.2019 14:23:12 geophys. display product результат визуализации
22.03.2019 8:21:34 geophys. sampling requirements параметры дискретизации
22.03.2019 8:06:09 tech. closely sampled замерено с малым шагом
19.02.2019 13:26:24 gen. significance критичность
17.02.2019 12:33:27 gen. striking impact разительный эффект
16.02.2019 19:24:51 geophys. stacked суммированный (Figure 1-14 shows some major differences between the stacked and 3-D migrated versions of a line from Australia.)
15.02.2019 20:14:43 geophys. tuning thickness вертикальная разрешающая способность (proz.com)
15.02.2019 19:39:07 geophys. seismic measuring rod регистрируемый шаг сейсмической волны (Wavelength, the seismic measuring rod, increases significantly with depth making resolution poorer.)
15.02.2019 18:57:25 geophys. Fresnel zone sampling модуляция зон Френеля
15.02.2019 18:23:59 product. business impact влияние на экономику (William Aylor, in the Foreword to this book, also demonstrates the business impact of 3-D seismic surveys.)
15.02.2019 15:29:49 geophys. fully-sampled 3-D survey трёхмерная сейсморазведка нормального разрешения (Today fully-sampled 3-D surveys are conducted on land, at sea, and in various transition zone environments.)
15.02.2019 15:27:13 geophys. under-sampled пониженного разрешения (In order to promote 3-D for exploration a widely spaced (and hence under-sampled) version was introduced, but this was not very successful.)
9.02.2019 11:50:28 scient. concur согласовываться (In fact impedance and lithology normally follow each other, so that impedance boundaries and lithologic boundaries normally concur.)
9.02.2019 11:43:24 gen. follow each other взаимно коррелироваться (In fact impedance and lithology normally follow each other, so that impedance boundaries and lithologic boundaries normally concur.)
8.02.2019 11:55:13 gen. redressing разрешение (These recommendations and much of the book are aimed at redressing the problems discussed above.)
8.02.2019 11:51:06 gen. recommendation подсказка (Appendix D is a Summary of Recommendations to help today’s interpreter get more out of 3-D seismic data within a reasonable period of time.)
8.02.2019 11:50:25 gen. summary совокупность (Appendix D is a Summary of Recommendations to help today’s interpreter get more out of 3-D seismic data within a reasonable period of time.)
8.02.2019 11:41:49 gen. assistance подсказка (Those still grappling with the phase and polarity of their data may find assistance in Appendix C.)
8.02.2019 11:41:15 gen. grappling затрудняться (Those still grappling with the phase and polarity of their data may find assistance in Appendix C.)
8.02.2019 11:40:03 gen. still по сию пору (Those still grappling with the phase and polarity of their data may find assistance in Appendix C.)
8.02.2019 11:33:47 gen. extensive значителен (The modifications for the Sixth Edition, then, are not extensive.)
6.02.2019 11:28:22 gen. freely добровольно
6.02.2019 11:03:08 gen. solution выход из затруднительного положения (Too many interpreters rely on the workstation to find the solution.)
6.02.2019 10:19:52 gen. throughout по ходу изложения (These emphasize the value of motion for visualization, and also add support to other messages throughout the book.)
6.02.2019 10:19:32 gen. throughout по ходу повествования (These emphasize the value of motion for visualization, and also add support to other messages throughout the book.)
6.02.2019 10:17:36 gen. add support дополнять (These emphasize the value of motion for visualization, and also add support to other messages throughout the book.)
6.02.2019 10:10:33 gen. include поставлять (We now include a digital version of the book on disk, and we hope that this innovation is useful.)
6.02.2019 10:01:03 gen. pass on преподносить (They have all helped my understanding of the subject which I now pass on to you, so that you get more geological information out of your seismic data.)
6.02.2019 9:49:00 gen. leverage возможность
6.02.2019 9:37:25 geophys. visual integration визуальное сведение (Visual integration of multi-displicinary datasets for the geophysical analysis of tectonic processes harvard.edu)
6.02.2019 7:09:02 geophys. spectral decomposition спектральный анализ (But the major additions are chapters or subchapters on Inversion, Visualization, and Spectral Decomposition. [Alistair R. Brown, Three-Dimensional Seismic Data, 2011], Использование спектрального анализа в геофизике чрезвычайно широко и разнообразно. [Никитин А.А, Петров А.В. "Теоретические основы обработки геофизической информации", 2008]])
6.02.2019 6:57:59 gen. value актуальность (Several new sections, figures and text updates have been added to continue the value of this book into the future.)
6.02.2019 6:50:14 geophys. desirable ценный (The first two are desirable geologic information; the second two are to be recognized and excluded.)
6.02.2019 6:34:26 geophys. reservoir variability изменчивость коллектора (Seismic data is composed of structural continuity, stratigraphic and reservoir variability, the seismic wavelet, and noise of various kinds.)
6.02.2019 6:31:07 geophys. structural continuity структурная непрерывность (Seismic data is composed of structural continuity, stratigraphic and reservoir variability, the seismic wavelet, and noise of various kinds.)
6.02.2019 6:24:12 gen. established достигнутый (Too many interpreters today use techniques because they exist rather because there is some established or postulated purpose. – Слишком много геофизиков сегодня используют те или иные методы, потому что они существуют, а не потому, что они ведут к достигнутому или достижимому результату.)
6.02.2019 4:49:19 gen. in an appropriate manner надлежащим образом (Understanding the data properly and using modern workstation in an appropriate manner are critical.)
6.02.2019 4:30:45 gen. extracting уточнение (Extracting more geology from seismic data. – Уточнение геологического строения по сейсморазведочным материалам.)
6.02.2019 4:12:47 gen. to date к текущему моменту (To date the book has been through six editions. • К текущему моменту книга пережила (выдержала) шесть изданий.)
6.02.2019 0:51:19 geom. Weyl's axioms аксиоматика Вейля (wikipedia.org)
6.02.2019 0:48:07 geom. Hilbert's axioms аксиоматика Гильберта (wikipedia.org)
5.02.2019 22:20:24 publish. memoir Том из книжной серии (AAPG Memoir 42 – 42-й том библиотеки американской ассоциации нефтяных геологов)
5.02.2019 22:11:47 gen. consulting практикующий (О геофизике, специалисте. Прошу добавить часть речи причастие. Пришлось указать прилагательное.)