
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Павел Вепр: 5

12.12.2009 18:44:31 progr. flash BIOS прошивать BIOS (cybertechhelp.com)
11.12.2009 7:58:55 gen. the Interdistrict department of technical inspection of vehicles, registration and examination work МОТОТРЭР (Межрайонный отдел технического осмотра транспорта, регистрационной и экзаменационной работы)
3.06.2009 16:05:51 law corruptogenic коррупциогенный
16.07.2008 10:35:54 polit. M&E system — monitoring and evaluation system система надзора и оценки (Governments in a number of developing countries are devoting considerable efforts to strengthen their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and capacities.)
16.07.2008 10:35:54 polit. M&E system — monitoring and evaluation system система надзора и оценки (Governments in a number of developing countries are devoting considerable efforts to strengthen their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and capacities.)