
 English thesaurus - terms added by user tay: 47

10.02.2010 12:41:34 abbr. navig. GPS Receiver Interface Language GRIL
10.02.2010 11:41:34 abbr. navig. GRIL GPS Receiver Interface Language
3.02.2010 11:41:02 abbr. phys. attribute to a physical quantity obtained by division by mass massic
3.02.2010 11:41:02 abbr. phys. synonymous with specific massic (http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:20wtgOdDWV0J:www.iupac.org/goldbook/M03723.pdf+MASSIC&hl=ru&gl=ru&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESic93Gq-L5Ls6AeoJIzN6P8GmgjTM98NljkWxhsGD8q1gFIaCW_OsQqD8KGMrSAnR4Du56KeoeiDkdYlnEpbyYb3OlFQe7AnLnAiPTvKFiEuUQJ5sJtTdvvkm61uBurSBVLOZXU&sig=AHIEtbQldj5TfH5s4FDmMk8HRxt1OVEe5Q)
3.02.2010 10:41:02 phys. massic attribute to a physical quantity obtained by division by mass
3.02.2010 10:41:02 phys. massic synonymous with specific (http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:20wtgOdDWV0J:www.iupac.org/goldbook/M03723.pdf+MASSIC&hl=ru&gl=ru&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESic93Gq-L5Ls6AeoJIzN6P8GmgjTM98NljkWxhsGD8q1gFIaCW_OsQqD8KGMrSAnR4Du56KeoeiDkdYlnEpbyYb3OlFQe7AnLnAiPTvKFiEuUQJ5sJtTdvvkm61uBurSBVLOZXU&sig=AHIEtbQldj5TfH5s4FDmMk8HRxt1OVEe5Q)
28.01.2010 9:27:19 abbr. nucl.pow. KTA Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (нем, Nuclear Safety Standards Commission)
16.12.2009 11:49:32 abbr. met. Zero Mechanical State Z.M.S. (zero-mechanical state or ZMS, where every power source of the machine that can produce movement has been locked off, http://www.safetyinfo.com/guests/Safety Talk - Machine Operations.htm вариант перевода на русский - http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_russian/mechanics_mech_engineering/2794106-zero_mechanical_state.html)
16.12.2009 10:49:32 abbr. met. Z.M.S. Zero Mechanical State (zero-mechanical state or ZMS, where every power source of the machine that can produce movement has been locked off, http://www.safetyinfo.com/guests/Safety Talk - Machine Operations.htm вариант перевода на русский - http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_russian/mechanics_mech_engineering/2794106-zero_mechanical_state.html)
24.11.2009 14:39:17 abbr. nautic. Distance to the Closest Point of Approach DCPA
24.11.2009 13:39:17 abbr. nautic. DCPA Distance to the Closest Point of Approach
24.11.2009 10:16:53 abbr. nautic. FIS Fuzzy inference system (система нечеткого логического вывода ( http://matlab.exponenta.ru/fuzzylogic/book4/index.php))
20.11.2009 10:04:55 abbr. nautic. Non-Follow-Up tiller NFU tiller (http://www.and-group.net/animatedship-1-nautosteer.htm)
20.11.2009 9:04:55 nautic. NFU tiller Non-Follow-Up tiller (http://www.and-group.net/animatedship-1-nautosteer.htm)
19.11.2009 14:58:47 abbr. nautic. Autopilot Remote Control Panel ARCP
19.11.2009 13:58:47 abbr. nautic. ARCP Autopilot Remote Control Panel
12.11.2009 11:33:41 abbr. nautic. Automation Systems AUT for Unattended Machinery Spaces AUT-UMS (http://www.veristar.com/bvrules/afdb.htm)
12.11.2009 11:29:31 abbr. nautic. Automated Control System Certified for Unattended Engine room ACCU (http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/ACCU; http://wiki.answers.com/Q/ABS_class_notation_ACCU_what_does_it_mean)
12.11.2009 10:33:41 abbr. nautic. AUT-UMS Automation Systems AUT for Unattended Machinery Spaces (http://www.veristar.com/bvrules/afdb.htm)
12.11.2009 10:29:31 abbr. nautic. ACCU Automated Control System Certified for Unattended Engine room (http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/ACCU; http://wiki.answers.com/Q/ABS_class_notation_ACCU_what_does_it_mean)
17.09.2009 10:41:05 abbr. goldmin. pronounced gold doh-rey is a bar of semi-purified gold e.g. bullion. After being mined, the first stage in the purification process of the gold ore produces a cast bar gold dore that is approximately 90% gold. The other 10% is mostly metals like silver and copper. gold dorэ
17.09.2009 9:41:05 goldmin. gold doré pronounced gold doh-rey is a bar of semi-purified gold e.g. bullion. After being mined, the first stage in the purification process of the gold ore produces a cast bar gold dore that is approximately 90% gold. The other 10% is mostly metals like silver and copper.
15.09.2009 9:55:55 abbr. fin. CFADS cash flow available for debt service
14.09.2009 13:35:57 abbr. fin. Export Credit Insurance Corporation ECIC
14.09.2009 12:35:57 abbr. fin. ECIC Export Credit Insurance Corporation
5.08.2009 13:49:48 abbr. O&G Offshore Support Vessel OSV
5.08.2009 13:02:19 abbr. O&G, casp. ERRV emergency recovery and response vessel
5.08.2009 12:49:48 abbr. O&G OSV Offshore Support Vessel
5.08.2009 10:59:24 abbr. O&G NCOC North Caspian Operating Company
11.06.2009 11:56:19 abbr. Gujarat Adani Port Ltd. GAPL (Акционерная компания в Индии)
11.06.2009 10:56:19 abbr. GAPL Gujarat Adani Port Ltd. (Акционерная компания в Индии)
10.06.2009 10:55:29 abbr. nucl.pow. Individual Plant Examination for External Events IPEEE
10.06.2009 9:55:29 abbr. nucl.pow. IPEEE Individual Plant Examination for External Events
8.06.2009 15:46:29 abbr. CCDF conditional core damage frequency
8.06.2009 9:16:07 abbr. SKI Statens Karnkraftinspection (Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate)
4.06.2009 13:41:43 abbr. International Probabilistic Safety Assessment Review Team IPSART
4.06.2009 13:30:32 abbr. LPSD low power and shutdown (речь идет о ВАБ)
4.06.2009 12:41:43 abbr. IPSART International Probabilistic Safety Assessment Review Team
25.05.2009 14:08:41 abbr. tech. Motor Yacht M/Y
25.05.2009 13:08:41 abbr. tech. M/Y Motor Yacht
25.05.2009 10:55:55 tech. rigid inflatable boat RIB (РИБ; прижилось иностранное название, редко когда используют развернутый вариант перевода)
25.05.2009 9:55:55 abbr. tech. RIB rigid inflatable boat
16.04.2009 15:39:37 abbr. construct. UH Unit Heater
19.01.2009 13:39:43 abbr. construct. Construction and Operation License COL
19.01.2009 13:37:58 abbr. construct. Design Control Document DCD
19.01.2009 12:39:43 abbr. construct. COL Construction and Operation License
19.01.2009 12:37:58 abbr. construct. DCD Design Control Document