
 English thesaurus - terms added by user oxana135: 33

22.06.2023 14:19:19 abbr. ed. CFEI Call for Expression of Interest
15.08.2020 10:21:16 abbr. med. CAT Cancer-associated thrombosis
14.12.2019 21:49:27 abbr. ed. NS natural sciences and engineering
23.05.2019 19:48:50 abbr. LAB lactic acid bacteria
13.03.2018 12:14:51 bot. sori sorus
13.03.2018 12:13:48 abbr. bot. sorus sori (множ.число)
28.11.2017 20:03:53 med. eacpr European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
28.11.2017 20:03:53 abbr. med. European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation eacpr
9.11.2017 16:33:11 med. mlg medical labeling group
9.11.2017 16:33:11 abbr. med. medical labeling group mlg
24.08.2017 12:04:25 med. ws Worksharing
24.08.2017 12:04:25 abbr. med. Worksharing ws
21.08.2017 20:15:47 abbr. med. HPBCD hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin
8.06.2017 11:21:36 abbr. med. DKD diabetic kidney disease
31.05.2017 18:59:01 abbr. busin. ILOC irrevocable letter of credit
11.05.2017 22:10:09 med. mdi Multiple dose injection
11.05.2017 22:10:09 abbr. med. Multiple dose injection mdi
9.03.2017 21:54:27 abbr. HR-QoL Health-related quality of life
22.12.2016 14:18:44 med. lqr local quality representative
22.12.2016 14:18:44 abbr. med. local quality representative lqr
22.12.2016 14:17:56 abbr. med. PVCH Pharmacovigilance Country Head
25.11.2016 17:44:00 med. trd tractional retinal detachment
25.11.2016 17:44:00 abbr. med. tractional retinal detachment trd
24.11.2016 23:32:09 med. RCOphth Royal College of Ophthalmologists
24.11.2016 23:32:09 abbr. med. Royal College of Ophthalmologists RCOphth
23.04.2016 19:46:24 gen. move the needle make a noticeable difference in something (https://englishlessons.wordpress.com/2013/12/02/idiom-of-the-week-move-the-needle-inon-something/)
23.04.2016 19:46:24 abbr. make a noticeable difference in something move the needle (https://englishlessons.wordpress.com/2013/12/02/idiom-of-the-week-move-the-needle-inon-something/)
7.04.2016 16:27:59 med. ccns Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist
7.04.2016 16:27:59 abbr. med. Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist ccns
23.11.2015 14:34:43 abbr. med. CRT central retinal thickness
23.11.2015 14:27:23 abbr. med. ATE arterial thromboembolic events
16.03.2012 20:09:44 abbr. med. HPMB Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding
6.12.2011 18:59:20 abbr. med. LAB lactic acid bacteria (молочнокислые бактерии)