
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ovb3832: 44

20.03.2024 3:32:55 univer. academic adviser научный руководитель
20.03.2024 3:31:18 univer. applicant at the department соискатель кафедры (of ... – ... такой-то)
20.03.2024 3:26:16 univer. Candidate of Sciences degree seeking applicant соискатель степени кандидата наук (в РФ: тематические статьи, научные журналы, конференции, дипломы, сертификаты, другие документы об образовании)
7.03.2024 9:00:37 univer. student council студсовет (Cокращённо от "студенческий совет". A student council (also known as a student union, associated student body or student parliament) is an administrative organization of students in different educational institutes ranging from elementary schools to universities and research organizations around the world.: Ребята, которые избраны в студсовет, будут организовывать разные конкурсы, игры, праздники, спортивные мероприятия. wikipedia.org)
27.02.2024 1:08:56 R&D. laws of physics физические законы (wikipedia.org)
27.02.2024 1:07:03 R&D. physical laws физические законы (Many fundamental physical laws are mathematical consequences of various symmetries of space, time, or other aspects of nature. wikipedia.org)
20.02.2024 5:29:05 journ. false balance ложный баланс (False balance, known colloquially as bothsidesism, is a media bias in which journalists present an issue as being more balanced between opposing viewpoints than the evidence supports.: False balance is a bias which usually stems from an attempt to avoid bias and gives unsupported or dubious positions an illusion of respectability. wikipedia.org)
20.02.2024 5:23:35 journ. Sensationalism сенсационализм (Сенсационализм — один из видов искажения фактов в СМИ, который предполагает преувеличение значимости событий с целью создания предвзятого впечатления о них, что может стать причиной манипуляции правдой.: Одна из главных целей сенсационализма — повышение рейтингов или количества читателей, приводящее к возрастанию стоимости рекламы в издании и, как следствие, увеличению прибыли. wikipedia.org)
20.02.2024 3:16:22 typogr. Typographic alignment выключка (Вы́ключка, выравнивание — способ расположения строки относительно вертикальных границ полосы вёрстки.: There are four basic typographic alignments: flush left, flush right, justified, and centered. wikipedia.org)
12.02.2024 10:55:26 gen. fall on выпадать на определённый день (My birthday falls on a Monday this year (В этом году мой день рождения выпадает на понедельник).)
7.02.2024 15:43:44 med. antihypoxic антигипоксантный (Hypoxen is registered in Russia as an antihypoxic agent, but has not been subjected to any clinical trials wikipedia.org)
6.02.2024 15:47:02 med. penis enlargement увеличение полового члена (Penis enlargement, or male enhancement, is any technique aimed to increase the size of a human penis. wikipedia.org)
10.01.2024 16:33:09 euph. male attributes мужские половые органы
10.01.2024 16:30:47 euph. male attributes хозяйство (мужские половые органы)
15.11.2023 13:46:33 philos. fundamental principle первооснова (The fundamental principle underlying this view is that older political and mental structures exist which exercise greater influence on the spatial-social identity of individuals than is understood by the contemporary world, bound to and often blinded by its own worldview – e.g. the focus on the nation-state.)
31.10.2023 11:31:34 mus. neutral clef нейтральный ключ (тж. перкуссионный ключ: Staves with a neutral clef do not always have five lines.)
30.10.2023 17:06:20 univer. NSPU НГПУ (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет)
30.10.2023 17:01:24 univer. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical is a coeducational and public research university located in Novosibirsk, Russia. wikipedia.org)
30.10.2023 16:48:55 anat. tibial nerve большеберцовый нерв (The tibial nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve. The tibial nerve passes through the popliteal fossa to pass below the arch of soleus. wikipedia.org)
18.10.2023 12:33:35 cook. Reuben sandwich сэндвич "Рубен" Сэндвич Рубена, Рувим-сэндвич (Aмериканский гриль-сэндвич, состоящий из солонины, швейцарского сыра, квашеной капусты, "русского соуса" (кетчунеза) и кусочков ржаного хлеба: The Reuben sandwich is a North American grilled sandwich composed of corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Thousand Island dressing or Russian dressing, grilled between slices of rye bread. wikipedia.org)
18.10.2023 12:24:01 cook. Russian dressing Кетчунез (Пикантная американская заправка для салатов. Основу соуса составляют майонез и кетчуп. Важный ингредиент такого блюда американской кухни, как сэндвич "Рубен".: In North America, a processed version of Marie-Rose sauce, called “Russian dressing” sometimes uses mayonnaise as a base. wikipedia.org)
18.10.2023 12:17:43 cook. fry sauce Кетчунез (холодный соус к картофелю фри или тостонесам. Представляет собой смесь из одной части томатного кетчупа и двух частей майонеза: Fry sauce is a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup or another red sauce (e.g. Tabasco sauce, Buffalo wing sauce, or one of many smoky barbecue sauces popular in the Northwestern United States), spices, and sometimes a strong tasting salty liquid (such as Worcestershire or soy sauce) is added to balance out the sweeter red sauces. wikipedia.org)
18.10.2023 9:59:26 gen. not long after that вскоре после этого (Not long after that, he resigned.)
18.10.2023 8:49:30 fin. ruble рубль (especially North American English, гл. обр. английский в США и Канаде: The law earmarked part of the 12 million rubles for a general reduction of redemption payments.)
18.10.2023 8:40:11 fin. rouble рубль (especially British English, гл. обр. британская орфография: The year 1985 marked the highpoint in trade between the two countries as it reached almost 10 billion roubles.)
12.10.2023 11:01:32 med. CEMRI контрастная магнитно-резонансная томография (contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging)
1.10.2023 0:38:27 surg. jaw бранша (напр., ультразвукового скальпеля (для диссекции, расслоения тканей): Large, curved tapered narrow jaw improves dissection. / Less force is required to clamp the jaws around tissue. / The large, curved, tapered, and narrow jaw improves dissection. surgicaltechnology.com)
28.03.2023 12:10:41 gen. twined побратим (о городе: Novo Mesto is twinned with Langenhagen, Germany. • Dunstable is also unofficially twined with Dunstable, MA. wikipedia.org)
20.02.2023 17:26:24 med. residual post-tuberculosis changes остаточные посттуберкулёзные изменения
20.02.2023 17:26:24 med. residual changes after tuberculosis остаточные посттуберкулёзные изменения
30.01.2023 14:38:53 gen. crack an exam сдать экзамен (How Indians crack one of the world's toughest exams. // I know aspirants who have prepared for 16 years after failing to crack the exam more than a dozen times in as many years. bbc.com)
30.01.2023 11:07:52 law electronic ankle tag электронный браслет (на щиколотку: The hotel heiress was then ordered to complete 40 days of home monitoring and made to wear an electronic ankle tag.)
30.01.2023 11:05:03 law tracking bracelet электронный браслет (Dante was required to wear a GPS tracking bracelet that restricted him to his home.)
13.12.2022 15:46:15 file.ext. SRT Текстовый формат субтитров программы SubRip. SubRip Text Subtitle (file) (A widely used SRT subtitles format.)
23.11.2022 22:26:37 vulg. shit happens жиза (Apologies if you're pissed, shit happens. / Shit happens to the best programmers. / Figure it out before shit happens. / Rove was wrong, shit happens.)
23.11.2022 22:09:43 inet. time-out время использования истекло (тж. глагол: Your session has timed-out (Flightradar24))
17.11.2022 16:55:39 slang milf матурка
17.11.2022 16:55:24 slang milf зрелка
17.11.2022 16:54:19 slang mature матурка
17.11.2022 16:40:43 slang mature зрелка
17.11.2022 15:45:47 gen. waterhole водопой (A depression in which water collects, especially one where wild animals come to drink.: Waterholes attract many animals before they dry up during the heat of summer. wiktionary.org)
18.10.2022 16:02:55 cosmet. thread lift нитевой лифтинг (A thread lift is a procedure that uses a dissolvable suture to tighten and lift your skin. / Another variation is the thread lift, in which a square stitch is placed from one nostril to the other and down to the peaks of the Cupid's bow.)
18.10.2022 1:46:36 cosmet. rings of Venus кольца Венеры (As a consequence, many girls and women at age of 28-30 become prone to horizontal lines around their necks – the “rings of Venus”. / The rings of Venus on the neck mean that a person has reached a certain age, but there are exceptions. / Also, the cause of the appearance of rings of Venus can be lack of fluid in the body…)
18.10.2022 1:45:41 cosmet. Venus rings кольца Венеры (Venus rings on the neck. / The blanching procedure will help to visually smooth the Venus rings. /)