
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user nellsok: 5

22.09.2021 14:49:45 agric. grain-row crop rotation зернопропашной севооборот (Most of our neighbors have switched to 100% corn and soybean)
1.02.2017 18:15:03 med. saposin сапозин
1.02.2017 17:54:01 med. gaucheroma гошеома
22.02.2012 23:03:30 biotechn. ceramide церамидный (Similarly, addition of 10 mol% bovine brain ceramides to 1,2-dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayers resulted in ceramide microdomain formation.)
8.02.2012 17:50:19 agric. identification, registration and movement идентификация, регистрация и передвижение (control rules gov.uk)