
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user molik: 15

18.01.2019 15:48:49 euph. number two's поход по-большому
30.05.2016 7:20:28 gen. deadbeat нищеброд
5.04.2016 16:45:08 gen. cut out исключить (из рациона; l have to cut out dairy products from my diet.)
5.04.2016 9:24:19 gen. famine relief Борьба с голодом
15.03.2016 17:27:30 gen. live stream Потоковая передача сигнала (/ˈlaɪv striːm/)
15.03.2016 11:07:07 fig.of.sp. be kicked off быть вне себя
11.03.2016 17:37:13 gen. look like внешность (Use "look like" to talk about a person's physical similarity with another person.)
7.02.2016 17:59:25 gen. spooner Горячий парень
24.12.2015 14:33:46 gen. give away a secret Выдать тайну, секрет
28.10.2015 11:19:54 gen. squad car Патрульная машина (a car that the police use)
6.07.2015 18:33:16 psychol. guilt complex комплекс вины (A guilt complex refers to a persistent belief that you have done something wrong or that you will do something wrong: A ‘guilt complex’ (more correctly referred to as ‘false guilt’) ‘happens when we feel at blame even when we aren’t sure we did anything wrong. harleytherapy.co.uk)
6.07.2015 18:16:47 gen. sinner Грешник
4.07.2015 19:00:23 gen. LMAO. Laughing My Ass Of надорваться от смеха
1.07.2015 18:23:40 gen. have butterflies in your stomach мутит от страха (to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do)
30.07.1974 13:25:02 gen. OD on Передозировка (overdose)