
 English thesaurus - terms added by user lop20: 11

13.02.2019 13:32:25 gen. toil away slave away
8.03.2016 22:05:29 abbr. st.exch. NGR Net-to-Gross Ratio
8.03.2016 22:03:17 abbr. st.exch. Net-to-Gross Ratio NGR (соотношение чистой к валовой стоимости возмещения по сделке для оценки кредитного риска позиции)
7.10.2011 21:38:33 abbr. Weathermen or Weather Underground Organization-American radical left organization originated in 1969 which goal was to create a clandestine revolutionary party for the violent overthrow of the US government Weathermen
21.06.2011 21:38:46 abbr. to decide on the topics for discussion set the agenda
21.06.2011 20:38:46 gen. set the agenda to decide on the topics for discussion
8.06.2011 22:40:03 abbr. one who bestows a blessing blesser
8.06.2011 21:40:03 gen. blesser one who bestows a blessing
14.12.2010 22:16:50 abbr. high speed dedicated magstripe encode and verify system that may be customized to accommodate a variety of document sizes and encoding formats encode-verifier
14.12.2010 21:16:50 gen. encode-verifier high speed dedicated magstripe encode and verify system that may be customized to accomodate a variety of document sizes and encoding formats
28.11.2010 17:02:00 abbr. slave away toil away