
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user konstanzhoglo: 6

12.05.2019 22:34:25 econ. economic moat способность бизнеса поддерживать конкурентные преимущества перед конкурентами, чтобы защитить свою долгосрочную прибыль и долю рынка от конкурирующих фирм (термин введенный в оборот Уорреном Баффетом)
14.03.2019 16:37:26 lit. if you can't be good, be careful если не можешь поступать правильно, будь осторожен. (The saying was first published in this form in 1903, when Arthur M. Binstead said in his Pitcher in Paradise, "Always bear in mind what the country mother said to her daughter who was coming up to town to be apprenticed to the Bond Street millinery, ‘For heaven's sake be good; but if you can't be good, be careful'." However, the meaning behind the expression is a lot older than that. It comes from the 11th century Latin proverb Si non caste, tamen caute, which translates as "if not chastely, nevertheless cautiously." There are many variations on this saying, several along the lines of "Be good. And if you can't be good, be careful. And if you can't be careful, name it after me." Given those additions, you have a hierarchy of behavior to work with!)
14.05.2018 3:01:12 gen. not in a month of Sundays никогда в жизни
14.05.2018 3:00:16 gen. not in a month of Sundays ни за что бы
14.05.2018 2:58:19 gen. not in a month of Sundays никогда бы (Not at any point; under absolutely no circumstances. Not in a month of Sundays did I think that I would actually win the lottery! A: "Do you think Samantha will agree to go on a date with Jake?" B: "Not in a month of Sundays!")
14.09.2016 15:34:22 gen. find out the hard way испытать на собственной шкуре