
 English thesaurus - terms added by user kondorsky: 42

2.08.2010 10:08:45 sec.sys. AMCS access monitoring and control system
14.06.2009 16:00:58 abbr. law Personal Property Security Act PPSA (kondorsky)
14.06.2009 15:00:58 abbr. law PPSA Personal Property Security Act (kondorsky)
5.06.2008 14:37:52 abbr. polym. Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants & Elastomers CASE
5.06.2008 13:37:52 abbr. polym. CASE Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants & Elastomers
26.01.2008 13:17:09 abbr. oil.proc. VTB vacuum tower bottoms
15.11.2007 20:52:08 abbr. ecol. Verified Emission Reduction VER
15.11.2007 19:52:08 abbr. ecol. VER Verified Emission Reduction
18.10.2007 16:31:56 abbr. construct. Baseline Change Proposal BCP
18.10.2007 15:31:56 abbr. construct. BCP Baseline Change Proposal
26.09.2007 9:45:10 abbr. nucl.phys. Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor ESBWR
26.09.2007 8:45:10 abbr. nucl.phys. ESBWR Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor
10.07.2007 21:49:16 abbr. fin. Preliminary Project Letter PPL
10.07.2007 20:49:16 abbr. fin. PPL Preliminary Project Letter
25.06.2007 12:50:07 abbr. law Consulting Services Agreement CSA
25.06.2007 11:50:07 abbr. law CSA Consulting Services Agreement
19.06.2007 12:21:37 abbr. Reactor Pressure Vessel RPV (корпус атомного реактора)
16.06.2007 17:22:22 abbr. the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence sustainment
16.06.2007 17:22:22 abbr. "they were in want of sustenance" sustainment
16.06.2007 17:22:22 abbr. 'fishing was their main sustainment sustainment
16.06.2007 16:22:22 gen. sustainment 'fishing was their main sustainment
16.06.2007 16:22:22 gen. sustainment "they were in want of sustenance"
16.06.2007 16:22:22 gen. sustainment the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence
27.04.2007 14:22:08 abbr. bodybuild. Weapon of Mass Destruction Proliferation Prevention Initiative WMDPPI
27.04.2007 13:22:08 abbr. bodybuild. WMDPPI Weapon of Mass Destruction Proliferation Prevention Initiative
22.01.2007 16:10:32 abbr. road.sign. Dynamic Message Signs DMS
22.01.2007 15:10:32 abbr. road.sign. DMS Dynamic Message Signs
8.12.2006 13:57:41 abbr. electr.eng. SPD surge protection device
2.11.2006 11:11:55 abbr. nucl.pow. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations INPO
2.11.2006 10:56:59 abbr. nucl.pow. High Flux Isotope Reactor HFIR
2.11.2006 10:11:55 abbr. nucl.pow. INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
2.11.2006 9:56:59 abbr. nucl.pow. HFIR High Flux Isotope Reactor
1.11.2006 17:52:46 abbr. nucl.pow. Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility AFCF (Центр строится при Национальной лаборатории Айдахо)
1.11.2006 16:52:46 abbr. nucl.pow. AFCF Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility (Центр строится при Национальной лаборатории Айдахо)
3.10.2006 16:03:36 abbr. build.struct. Confidential Foreign Government Information CFGI
3.10.2006 15:03:36 abbr. build.struct. CFGI Confidential Foreign Government Information
30.09.2005 11:20:48 abbr. econ. A Doji candlestick looks like a cross, inverted cross, or plus sign. Alone, doji are neutral patterns Doji
30.09.2005 11:20:11 abbr. econ. A name for candlesticks see "candlestick" that provide information on their own and also feature in a number of important patterns. Dojis form when a security's open and close are virtually equal Doji
30.09.2005 11:16:12 abbr. econ. A price chart that displays the high, low, open, and close for a security each day over a specified period of time. candlestick
30.09.2005 10:20:48 econ. Doji A Doji candlestick looks like a cross, inverted cross, or plus sign. Alone, doji are neutral patterns
30.09.2005 10:20:11 econ. Doji A name for candlesticks see "candlestick" that provide information on their own and also feature in a number of important patterns. Dojis form when a security's open and close are virtually equal
30.09.2005 10:16:12 econ. candlestick A price chart that displays the high, low, open, and close for a security each day over a specified period of time.