
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user aniutiktik: 11

29.04.2024 17:27:34 ling. DMIS модель развития межкультурной чувствительности DMIS (Bennett (1993) believes that, regardless of whether it is treated as part of the DMIS, adaptation seems to be the main requirement for IC. wikipedia.org)
6.06.2022 17:05:15 milk. cup стакан (доильный)
29.05.2022 0:04:10 milk. early- to mid-lactation cows коровы на ранней стадии и в середине лактации
28.05.2022 23:19:26 milk. milking measures показатели надоя молока (Premilking udder preparation (including forestripping and duration of lag time—the time between first tactile stimulation and attachment of milking unit) might influence milking measures such as milking unit on-time, incidence of bimodality, and milk flow rates in Holstein cows milked 3 times daily. journalofdairyscience.org)
2.07.2017 14:30:46 agric. tie-up housing привязное содержание (о скоте)
15.03.2016 18:55:37 explan. wait for the other shoe to drop ждать неизбежной неприятности
23.08.2015 10:10:55 ceram. high-tech ceramics высокотехнологичная керамика
23.08.2015 10:05:42 ceram. high-tech ceramica высокотехнологичная керамика
23.08.2015 10:04:42 ceram. precision ceramics высокотехнологичная керамика
23.08.2015 8:01:14 tech. ambilight технология окружающего освещения, фоновая подстветка (сокр. от Ambient Lighting Technology)
16.07.2015 12:19:43 law WITNESSES AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED as follows свидетельствует и заявляет о следующем