
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Yurii_Pryzyhlei: 16

17.11.2017 17:46:44 mil. attack weapons teams ударно-боевые группы (FM 3-99 An attack weapons team is composed of two AH-64 attack helicopters)
15.11.2017 13:07:10 mil. bump plan резервный план доставки (личного состава та техники; FM 3-99: A bump plan is used to ensure that critical personnel and equipment are delivered to the airhead in the assault in the event of last-minute aircraft maintenance problems or the planned number of aircraft is not available)
15.11.2017 11:40:31 mil. outload control управление отгрузкой (FM 3-99: Outload control includes parking, traffic control, loading, bump plan, and unloading.)
8.11.2017 11:47:23 mil. marshalling area район формирования эшелонов (из разных видов техники и подразделений)
7.11.2017 13:45:36 mil. tactical loading боевая погрузка (с учётом требований боевой задачи)
7.11.2017 13:42:08 mil. transload into перегружать (на другое транспортное средство)
3.11.2017 10:47:15 mil. Stiner aid Вспомогательное средство Штайнера
2.11.2017 13:50:55 mil. in the sticks на тросах для десантирования (FM 3-99: "Paratroopers jumping additional equipment containers or weapons systems such as antitank weapons should be jumped at any position in the stick to support cross loading and assembly plans.")
2.11.2017 12:27:32 mil. ammunition bundles ящики с боеприпасами (FM 3-99: "Planners should separate radios, mortars, antitank weapons, ammunition bundles, and other critical equipment or supplies as much as possible")
23.10.2017 16:46:48 mil. mission command управление выполнением боевой задачи (FM 3-99: "As soon as communication and the tactical situation permit, commanders regain centralized mission command.")
16.10.2017 19:59:18 mil. warfighting functions органы или особы, выполняющие функции ведения боевых действий (FM 3-99: "The ABNAFC tasks the other warfighting functions to continue planning and preparing for the operation while employing service and joint fires to enable conditions.")
15.10.2017 10:30:09 mil. medical and casualty evacuation эвакуация больных и раненых
13.10.2017 13:04:03 mil. Linkup forces взаимодействующие войска
13.10.2017 12:23:25 mil. warrant подведение итогов
4.10.2017 9:35:04 mil. planning considerations факторы планирования (planning considerations in support of forcible entry operations (FM 3-99))
28.09.2017 17:04:59 mil. MEL/MIL план наращивания обстановки (Main event list/main incident list)