
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Vladimir71: 265  >>

26.04.2009 11:39:54 abbr. Consolidated Appeals Process CAP (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН))
26.04.2009 10:39:54 abbr. CAP Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН))
18.04.2007 16:35:20 abbr. Standard Basic Assistance Agreement SBAA (ПРООН)
18.04.2007 15:35:20 abbr. SBAA Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (ПРООН)
18.04.2007 14:39:39 abbr. CPAP country programme action plan (ПРООН; http://unterm.un.org)
23.04.2006 13:08:40 abbr. Global Alliance for Improving Nutrition GAIN
23.04.2006 12:19:08 abbr. USI universal salt iodization
23.04.2006 12:08:40 abbr. GAIN Global Alliance for Improving Nutrition
6.02.2006 0:16:51 abbr. law Queen's Bench QB (до 1873 г.)
5.02.2006 23:16:51 abbr. law QB Queen's Bench (до 1873 г.)
2.02.2006 9:07:21 abbr. COHRED Council on Health Research for Development
11.01.2006 10:08:08 abbr. law LIF law in force
10.12.2005 12:18:47 abbr. Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development AKFED
10.12.2005 12:16:57 abbr. Turkish International Cooperation Agency TICA
10.12.2005 11:18:47 abbr. AKFED Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development
10.12.2005 11:16:57 abbr. TICA Turkish International Cooperation Agency
10.12.2005 0:41:23 abbr. Limited International Bidding LIB
10.12.2005 0:29:56 abbr. European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid ECHO
10.12.2005 0:18:21 abbr. Advisory and Operational Technical Assistance AOTA
10.12.2005 0:16:57 abbr. Aga Khan Foundation AKF
10.12.2005 0:16:29 abbr. Aga Khan Foundation KF
9.12.2005 23:52:02 abbr. med. SMR standardized mortality rate
9.12.2005 23:50:11 abbr. med. SHC secondary health care
9.12.2005 23:47:48 abbr. SBD standard bidding document
9.12.2005 23:46:22 abbr. SAP social action program
9.12.2005 23:43:27 abbr. MICS multiple indicator cluster survey
9.12.2005 23:41:23 abbr. LIB Limited International Bidding
9.12.2005 23:40:13 abbr. MERLIN Medical Emergency Relief International
9.12.2005 23:38:09 abbr. IS international shopping
9.12.2005 23:29:56 abbr. ECHO European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid
9.12.2005 23:25:56 abbr. DFI development financial institutions
9.12.2005 23:24:19 abbr. med. CPG clinical practice guidelines (рекомендации)
9.12.2005 23:21:42 abbr. BOOT build, own, operate, transfer
9.12.2005 23:18:21 abbr. AOTA Advisory and Operational Technical Assistance
9.12.2005 23:16:57 abbr. AKF Aga Khan Foundation
9.12.2005 23:16:29 abbr. KF Aga Khan Foundation
9.12.2005 10:52:11 abbr. med. Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course DOTS
9.12.2005 9:52:11 abbr. med. DOTS Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course
4.12.2005 17:12:11 abbr. med. ROC rural outpatient clinic
4.12.2005 15:59:00 abbr. med. FHLS formation of healthy lifestyle
4.12.2005 13:26:41 abbr. med. CRS congenital rubeola syndrome
4.12.2005 13:08:11 abbr. med. IRS inherent rubeola syndrome
4.12.2005 13:07:15 abbr. med. VAP vaccine associated poliomyelitis
4.12.2005 8:27:42 abbr. European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization ERB WHO
4.12.2005 7:27:42 gen. ERB WHO European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization
3.12.2005 17:26:11 abbr. med. Child-Friendly Hospital Initiative CFHI
3.12.2005 16:26:11 abbr. med. CFHI Child-Friendly Hospital Initiative
3.12.2005 15:44:21 abbr. YIC youth information center
3.12.2005 15:35:10 abbr. med. YFS youth-friendly services
3.12.2005 8:53:46 abbr. med. Sexual and Reproductive Health SRH
3.12.2005 7:53:46 abbr. med. SRH Sexual and Reproductive Health
20.11.2005 18:21:24 abbr. fin. PCSS procurement contract summary sheet (АБР)
19.11.2005 9:28:30 abbr. Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CARE
19.11.2005 8:28:30 abbr. CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
17.11.2005 18:48:25 abbr. fin. DO development objectives
15.11.2005 12:05:46 abbr. bank. Project Coordination and Procurement Division COPP (АБР)
15.11.2005 11:43:30 abbr. EBRD OCR ordinary capital resources
15.11.2005 11:08:49 abbr. bank. COCS Consulting Services Division (АБР)
15.11.2005 11:05:46 abbr. bank. COPP Project Coordination and Procurement Division (АБР)
14.11.2005 20:01:31 abbr. bank. ADB Business Opportunities ADBBO
14.11.2005 19:01:31 abbr. bank. ADBBO ADB Business Opportunities
12.11.2005 17:23:07 abbr. fin. RRP report and recommendations of the President (to the Board of Directors) Азиатский Банк Развития)
12.11.2005 16:10:15 abbr. CTLA Loan Administration Division (АБР)
12.11.2005 15:23:35 abbr. fin. PPR project performance report
30.10.2005 21:27:50 abbr. Public Works Research Institute PWRI
30.10.2005 20:36:12 abbr. International Institute of Earthquake Engineering, Seismology IIEES
30.10.2005 20:27:50 abbr. PWRI Public Works Research Institute
30.10.2005 20:22:38 abbr. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention NIED
30.10.2005 19:36:12 abbr. IIEES International Institute of Earthquake Engineering, Seismology
30.10.2005 19:22:38 abbr. NIED National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
28.10.2005 17:25:09 abbr. Disaster Management Training Programme DMTP (ООН)
28.10.2005 16:25:09 abbr. DMTP Disaster Management Training Programme (ООН)
28.10.2005 12:19:26 abbr. International Early Warning Programme IEWP
28.10.2005 12:10:17 abbr. Global Open Learning Forum on Risk Education GOLFRE
28.10.2005 12:08:31 abbr. Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society SEEDS
28.10.2005 11:19:26 abbr. IEWP International Early Warning Programme
28.10.2005 11:10:17 abbr. GOLFRE Global Open Learning Forum on Risk Education
28.10.2005 11:08:31 abbr. SEEDS Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society
25.10.2005 13:11:46 abbr. UN Development Group UNDG
25.10.2005 12:11:46 abbr. UNDG UN Development Group
18.10.2005 21:20:17 abbr. Disaster Reduction Alliance DRA
18.10.2005 21:18:15 abbr. International Consortium on Landslides ICL
18.10.2005 20:20:17 abbr. DRA Disaster Reduction Alliance
18.10.2005 20:18:15 abbr. ICL International Consortium on Landslides
18.10.2005 19:41:48 abbr. HVI high-volume instrument
24.09.2005 13:21:47 abbr. UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS RBEC
24.09.2005 12:39:41 abbr. CO country office
24.09.2005 12:21:47 abbr. RBEC UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS
24.09.2005 12:07:45 abbr. International Fund for Aral Sea IFAS
24.09.2005 11:07:45 abbr. IFAS International Fund for Aral Sea
19.09.2005 23:36:23 abbr. National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals NRA (Australia)
17.09.2005 16:54:22 abbr. bank. family living expenses family living expenses
24.08.2005 21:54:39 abbr. dipl. SHD sustainable human development
24.08.2005 11:13:54 abbr. O&G Westminster Fund for Democracy WFD
24.08.2005 11:09:36 abbr. International Legal Resource Center ILRC
24.08.2005 11:05:24 abbr. dipl. Direct Governance Practice Network DGPN
24.08.2005 11:02:04 mil. abbr. Bureau for Development Policy BDP
24.08.2005 11:01:00 mil. abbr. AWEPA AWEPA
24.08.2005 10:13:54 abbr. O&G WFD Westminster Fund for Democracy
24.08.2005 10:11:10 abbr. NEX National execution

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