
 English thesaurus - terms added by user PX_Ranger: 222  >>

9.12.2022 14:59:28 abbr. org.crime. VERLT violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (As the nature of terrorism and violent extremism continues to evolve across the OSCE area, the need remains for the development of impactful, sustainable, and responsible policies and programmes that work to prevent and counter violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (P/CVERLT). osce.org)
4.12.2022 22:06:20 abbr. nautic. EAL environmentally acceptable lubricant (EALs are environmentally acceptable lubricants that are biodegradable and minimally toxic, and are not bioaccumulative – as defined in Appendix A of the 2013 VGP. Each constituent substance in a lubricant formulation must be tested individually to meet the criteria. lelubricants.com)
4.12.2022 21:34:31 nautic. condition of class Conditions of Class mean requirements to the effect that specific measures, repairs, surveys etc. are to be carried out within a specific time limit in order to retain Classification (google.com)
4.12.2022 13:20:02 abbr. nautic. EEXI Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index (The Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index (EEXI) is a measure introduced by the IMO to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of ships.: The EEXI is a measure related to the technical design of a ship. The required EEXI value is determined by the ship type, the ship’s capacity and principle of propulsion and is the maximum acceptable attained EEXI value. The attained EEXI must be calculated for the individual ship, which falls under the regulation. dnv.com)
4.12.2022 13:13:23 abbr. nautic. CII Carbon Intensity Indicator (The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is an operational measure and will be applicable to ships of 5000 GT & above. Based on the annual data collected, the attained annual operational CII will have to be calculated, documented, and verified against the required annual operational CII to determine operational carbon intensity rating A, B, C, D or E (A being the most superior).)
2.12.2022 11:12:36 abbr. mil. JCATS Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation (JCATS is a joint multi-sided, real-time, stochastic, high resolution, interactive computer based simulation system that models force-on-force interactions from the Joint Task Force level to the individual person. It is a data-driven, effects and physics based simulation that accurately replicates entity-level combat. The model employs the same terrain data used in the military Command & Control mapping systems and utilizes validated military data and algorithms for digital terrain, Army Acquisition modeling, and Joint munitions data. JCATS accurately represents observation, sensors, systems, weapons, munitions, and vehicle systems for land, sea, and air components. llnl.gov)
1.12.2022 18:07:44 mil. Joint Theater Level Simulation компьютерное моделирование действий межвидовых группировок войск на театре боевых действий (The Joint Theater Level Simulation – Global Operations (JTLS-GO) is an interactive, Internet-enabled simulation that models multi-sided air, ground, and naval civil-military operations with logistical, Special Operation Force (SOF), and intelligence support. rolands.com)
1.12.2022 18:00:10 abbr. mil. CDCAX complex distributed computer assisted exercise
11.11.2022 15:08:55 UN Integrated Mission Task Force IMTF (A Headquarter-based inter-departmental and inter-agency mechanism to ensure coherent and consistent support and policy guidance to UN presences applying the principles of integration un.org)
25.01.2022 12:42:39 abbr. NATO COPD comprehensive operations planning directive
12.11.2021 11:42:41 abbr. mil., grnd.forc. FMT field maintenance team (The maintenance platoon consists of a maintenance control section, a wheeled maintenance section, a service and recovery section, and field maintenance teams (FMT) that support armament, radar, communication, and electronic repair requirements army.mil)
21.04.2021 10:48:42 abbr. mil. SWATF South-West Africa Territorial Force (was an auxiliary arm of the South African Defence Force (SADF) and comprised the armed forces of South West Africa (now Namibia) from 1977 to 1989.)
7.04.2021 14:09:41 abbr. NATO CASEX combined antisubmarine warfare exercise (publicintelligence.net)
1.02.2021 18:19:54 abbr. dipl. CDA Chargé D'Affaires (временный поверенный)
1.02.2021 18:18:49 dipl. Chargé d'Affaires CDA (временный поверенный)
17.08.2020 13:06:42 geogr. Straits of Malacca and Singapore SOMS
17.08.2020 13:01:05 abbr. law.enf. IMVE ideologically motivated violent extremism
17.08.2020 13:00:08 abbr. law.enf. PMVE politically motivated violent extremism
17.08.2020 12:58:54 law.enf. politically motivated violent extremism PMVE
17.08.2020 12:58:13 abbr. law.enf. RMVE religiously motivated violent extremism
17.08.2020 12:57:16 law.enf. ideologically motivated violent extremism IMVE
17.08.2020 11:13:31 abbr. UN EHR environmental human rights
17.08.2020 10:53:08 abbr. ecol. IEL international environmental law
8.08.2020 12:31:13 abbr. NATO SNMG Standing NATO Maritime Group
7.08.2020 16:21:33 abbr. mil. CH/ Chief (составная часть акронимов)
7.08.2020 16:20:08 abbr. mil. CH Chief (составная часть акронимов CH/)
7.08.2020 16:04:10 mil. Space and Missile Systems Center SMSC
7.08.2020 16:03:40 abbr. mil. SMSC Space and Missile Systems Center
7.08.2020 16:01:32 abbr. nautic. SOMS Straits of Malacca and Singapore
7.08.2020 15:56:24 abbr. Space Operations Command SpOC
7.08.2020 15:55:10 mil. SpOC Space Operations Command
7.08.2020 15:50:05 abbr. mil. STARCOM Space Training and Readiness Command
5.07.2020 23:45:24 mil. C-sUAS Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (army.mil)
5.05.2020 16:22:22 abbr. checkers. MEST mission essential skills training (USA)
11.04.2020 15:24:14 abbr. UN UNMISS United Nations Mission in South Sudan
24.03.2020 18:42:29 abbr. SEEBRIG South-Eastern Europe Brigade
13.03.2020 12:56:59 abbr. int.rel. FOM Freedom of Media (ОБСЕ)
10.12.2019 10:31:57 abbr. OAKOC observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment
9.12.2019 22:10:25 abbr. TADAGR target acquisition, designation and guidance radar
19.11.2019 19:00:59 abbr. mil. RGR Royal Gurkha Rifles (британский стрелковый полк)
11.02.2018 21:08:36 abbr. mil. SARVIP Survival Armor Recovery Vest Insert and Packets
11.02.2018 21:08:36 abbr. checkers. Survival Armor Recovery Vest Insert and Packets SARVIP
11.02.2018 21:08:08 abbr. mil. AIRSAVE Aircrew Integrated Recovery Survival Armor Vest and Equipment
11.02.2018 21:08:08 abbr. checkers. Aircrew Integrated Recovery Survival Armor Vest and Equipment AIRSAVE
11.02.2018 21:06:50 abbr. mil. AIMSS Advance Infantry Marksmanship Strategies and Standards
11.02.2018 21:06:50 abbr. mil. Advance Infantry Marksmanship Strategies and Standards AIMSS
8.02.2018 21:54:41 abbr. mil. CIED counter-improvised explosive device
16.01.2018 16:15:02 abbr. geogr. SCS South China Sea
7.10.2017 16:02:37 abbr. mil. USMEPCOM United States Military Entrance Processing Command
22.12.2016 19:55:38 abbr. UN LSA local security assistant
14.09.2016 16:59:13 abbr. mil. LCX logistics coordination exercise
13.09.2016 17:59:38 abbr. NATO NAMEADSMA NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Agency
30.05.2016 17:16:19 abbr. mil. IRAM improvised rocket-assisted munition
27.04.2016 9:50:56 abbr. dipl. HADR Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
27.04.2016 9:50:56 abbr. dipl. Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief HADR
20.04.2016 17:19:40 USA build off of build on
20.04.2016 17:18:51 abbr. AmE build on build off of
11.03.2016 13:29:56 abbr. UN OMART Office of Military Affairs Recruitment Tool
11.03.2016 13:29:56 abbr. UN Office of Military Affairs Recruitment Tool OMART
10.03.2016 22:09:05 abbr. UN CLJAS Criminal Law and Judicial Advisory Service
10.03.2016 22:09:05 abbr. UN Criminal Law and Judicial Advisory Service CLJAS
6.03.2016 16:47:35 mil. Computer Network Defense Service Provider CNDSP (поставщик услуг по обороне компьютерных сетей)
6.03.2016 16:47:35 abbr. mil. CNDSP Computer Network Defense Service Provider (поставщик услуг по обороне компьютерных сетей)
5.02.2016 14:51:57 abbr. mil. ROBE Roll-On Beyond Line of Sight Enhancement
5.02.2016 14:51:57 abbr. mil. Roll-On Beyond Line of Sight Enhancement ROBE
20.08.2015 13:24:35 abbr. mil. LTX lane training exercise
20.08.2015 12:49:20 abbr. UN ADP area domination patrol
19.08.2015 19:46:43 abbr. UN Mine Action Coordination Centre MACC
24.07.2015 10:10:17 abbr. checkers. MAFEX Mobility Air Forces Exercise (US Air Force)
13.07.2015 7:04:27 abbr. mil. elementary commando course ECO (курс начальной подготовки)
13.07.2015 7:04:27 abbr. mil. ECO elementary commando course (курс начальной подготовки)
7.03.2015 19:31:26 abbr. nautic. PCASP private contracted armed security personnel
7.03.2015 18:22:45 abbr. SORM Standard organization and regulations manual
2.09.2014 23:05:31 abbr. mil. Maritime Surveillance Aircraft MSA
2.09.2014 22:07:48 abbr. mil., navy PAG pirate action group
2.09.2014 22:04:48 abbr. mil. MSA Maritime Surveillance Aircraft
29.08.2014 16:16:19 abbr. mil. Global Counter Terrorism Forum GCTF
29.08.2014 15:16:19 abbr. mil. GCTF Global Counter Terrorism Forum
27.08.2014 16:59:14 abbr. mil. Global Counter-Terrorism Force GCTF (глобальные силы противодействия терроризму)
27.08.2014 16:02:02 abbr. mil. CENTRIXS Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System
27.08.2014 15:59:14 abbr. mil. GCTF Global Counter-Terrorism Force (глобальные силы противодействия терроризму)
25.08.2014 14:03:01 abbr. mil. GARS Global Area Reference System
7.08.2014 16:10:00 abbr. mil. MSA mission subsistence allowance (UN)
7.08.2014 15:06:48 abbr. mil. DMS/CMS Director/Chief of Mission Support (UN)
19.05.2014 21:49:46 abbr. mil., navy FSC Future Surface Combatant (Фрегаты типа 26 ВМС Великобритании aka Global Combat Ship (GCS))
19.05.2014 21:47:47 abbr. mil., navy Global Combat Ship UK GCS (Type 26 frigate)
19.05.2014 20:47:47 abbr. mil., navy GCS Global Combat Ship (Type 26 frigate; UK)
19.05.2014 20:43:23 abbr. ARCIC Army Capabilities Integration Center
8.02.2014 19:48:50 abbr. mil. Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative FDCCI
8.02.2014 19:47:25 abbr. mil. Army Service Request ASR
8.02.2014 19:44:10 abbr. mil. Joint Integrated Satellite Communications Technology JIST
8.02.2014 19:42:07 abbr. mil. Military Auxiliary Radio System MARS
8.02.2014 19:28:29 abbr. mil. Joint Information Operations Warfare Center JIOWC
8.02.2014 19:27:02 abbr. mil. Army Reprogramming Analysis Team ARAT
8.02.2014 19:23:48 abbr. mil. Defense Security and Information Assurance Working Group DSAWG
8.02.2014 19:21:53 abbr. mil. Army Data Management Program ADMP
8.02.2014 19:21:24 abbr. mil. Army Data Center Consolidation Plan ADCCP
8.02.2014 19:20:46 abbr. mil. Army Configuration Management Office ACMO
8.02.2014 19:20:18 abbr. mil. Army Centralized Access System ACAS
8.02.2014 18:50:07 abbr. mil. IASO Information assurance support officer

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