
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user NKlo: 3

19.11.2020 8:46:20 math. polynomial полином (многочлен: A polynomial is a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in one or more variables multiplied by coefficients...The highest power in a univariate polynomial is called its order, or sometimes its degree. wolfram.com)
3.09.2020 19:01:33 hydr. waling распределительный пояс (шпунтовой стенки: waling: horizontal beam, usually of steel or reinforced concrete, fixed to the sheet pile wall and connected to the anchorage or struts, in order to distribute the applied anchor–or strut forces equally over the sheet pile wall... The position, direction and execution of the anchorages including the connection to the walings shall correspond with the specifications in the design ГОСТ Р 57365–2016: Расположение, направление и конструкция крепления анкерами, включая соединение с распределительными поясами, должны соответствовать требованиям проекта. geotechnicaldesign.info)
10.08.2020 12:35:20 pipes. terminal end фикс-пункт ((a) At terminal ends: This is defined as the extremities of piping runs that connect to structures, components (e.g., vessels, pumps, valves), or pipe anchors that act as rigid constraints to piping motion and thermal expansion. nrc.gov)