
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Gumush: 9

25.10.2020 15:33:14 Jap. yanbaru янбару (так называют леса на Окинаве (по книге "Икигай" – Франсеск Миральес, Эктор Гарсиа): Yanbaru (山原) is the Okinawan and Kunigami name given to the forested northern part of Okinawa Island in Japan. wikiwand.com)
8.08.2020 22:04:47 Jap. shikuwasa шикуваса (Okinawa is where most of Japan's shikuwasa–a limelike fruit that packs an extraordinary antioxidant punch–comes from. bookmate.com)
8.08.2020 21:04:07 Jap. ikigai смысл жизни (from Japanese language, a Japanese concept: a reason of being wikipedia.org)
14.12.2019 7:30:04 O&G, tengiz. NT НТ (поселок Новый Тенгиз)
14.03.2018 15:24:32 sport. plank position планка
12.02.2018 8:36:36 construct. shanyrak шанырак (деревянный круг на верхушке юрты)
11.09.2017 21:06:13 gen. decision выход (выход=решение)
27.07.2017 14:55:30 oil depending on согласно (support will be backfilled with compacted 6F(d) depend on site condition)
27.07.2017 14:55:30 O&G depend on согласно (support will be backfilled with compacted 6F(d) depend on site condition)