
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user EricdeBussy: 4

10.02.2024 5:30:20 gen. blip зд.: резкий скачок (Андреа резко поменяла сферу деятельности, отсюда и вопрос работодателя. Опираюсь также на словарь Merriam Webster: a transient sharp movement up or down.: What the hell kind of blip is that? – from "The Devil Wears Prada". merriam-webster.com)
2.09.2019 1:23:17 gen. promise yourself пообещать себе (I promised myself I'd wait for you – from Nick Kamen's song)
6.07.2019 17:55:00 gen. still передряга (First, it's letting you think you have hope of getting out of this still. "Chance", 2016, S01E09. Субстантивация от still – to hurt someone, beat them up – Urban dictionary)
12.06.2019 14:54:03 gen. the windows face the yard окна выходят во двор (He lives in an apartment with windows facing the yard.)