
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Dorvel: 5

9.10.2015 11:23:44 gen. tips and tricks Хитрости
9.10.2015 11:22:01 gen. aftermath of war эхо войны
9.10.2015 11:15:39 gen. shade of insanity тень безумия
8.10.2015 11:46:31 gen. loyal servic верная служба (Пример из прессы: "The lollipop lady for Mortimer St John's School will bring 34 years of loyal service to an end when she retires today." ("getreading"))
8.10.2015 11:46:31 gen. loyal service верная служба (Пример из прессы: "The lollipop lady for Mortimer St John's School will bring 34 years of loyal service to an end when she retires today." ("getreading"))