
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Capital: 16

17.12.2019 20:11:22 scottish syne ago (They brewed a drink long-syne)
13.03.2018 14:17:00 tech. inadvertent error prevention poka yoke
13.03.2018 14:17:00 abbr. tech. poka yoke inadvertent error prevention
5.12.2017 1:42:16 abbr. adv. IBM I think therefore IBM
5.12.2017 1:42:16 abbr. adv. I think therefore IBM IBM
27.05.2008 18:38:52 abbr. Anton Piller order search order (новый термин на смену старому, English)
30.04.2008 16:34:51 abbr. construct. International Union of Architects UIA (UIA World Congress - Всемирный конгресс архитекторов и строителей)
30.04.2008 15:34:51 abbr. construct. UIA International Union of Architects (UIA World Congress - Всемирный конгресс архитекторов и строителей)
14.04.2008 13:22:47 abbr. law Queen's Counsel silk
14.04.2008 12:22:47 abbr. law QC silk
14.04.2008 12:22:47 law silk Queen's Counsel
20.12.2007 19:38:43 abbr. Business Performance Management BPM
20.12.2007 19:17:18 abbr. Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission COSO (Комитет организаций-спонсоров)
20.12.2007 19:13:00 abbr. Accounts Payable AP
20.12.2007 18:17:18 abbr. COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (Комитет организаций-спонсоров)
20.12.2007 18:13:00 abbr. AP Accounts Payable