
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Bob_cat: 65

17.04.2023 16:28:56 gen. Whatever possessed you to do sth?  что на тебя нашло (Whatever possessed you to suddenly give up your job like that?)
17.04.2023 16:15:36 gen. you'll have a job doing sth тебе придётся постараться (You'll have a job finding their house. It's in the middle of nowhere)
17.04.2023 16:07:48 gen. but I'll say it for sth/sb но справедливости ради (This was the gloomiest restaurant I have ever been to, but I'll say it for it, it was remarkably cheap)
17.04.2023 16:07:48 gen. but I'll say it for sth/sb но с другой стороны (This was the gloomiest restaurant I have ever been to, but I'll say it for it, it was remarkably cheap)
1.04.2023 13:28:55 gen. put somebody up to something надоумить кого-л. на что-л. (encourage someone to do something stupid and wrong)
1.04.2023 13:28:55 gen. put somebody up to something подбить кого-л. на что-л. (encourage someone to do something stupid and wrong)
29.03.2023 15:42:18 inf. chat-up line подкат (Informal: He was trying some old chat-up lines)
11.05.2022 18:27:26 idiom. it's six of one and half a dozen of the other оба хороши (of two people or groups equally responsible for a bad situation: Do you think Anne or Brian is to blame for their break-up? It's six of one and half a dozen of the other)
11.05.2022 18:23:20 idiom. it's neither here nor there нет особой разницы (It's neither here nor there which hotel you decide to stay in – they are both excellent)
6.04.2022 15:21:07 busin. turn in a profit приносить прибыль (This month our company should turn in a profit for the first time)
30.03.2022 16:09:36 idiom. bored stupid помирать от скуки (We were all bored stupid by the poetry reading – Мы все помирали от скуки из-за чтения поэзии/Поэзия нагнала на всех нас зелёную тоску)
26.03.2022 20:29:25 gen. carry electricity быть частью электросети (things like an electric plug/socket/switch carry electricity)
24.03.2022 19:54:22 fig.of.sp. touch a raw and painful nerve задеть за живое
24.03.2022 19:18:54 fig.of.sp. touch a raw and painful nerve наступить на больную мозоль
24.03.2022 18:09:31 gen. nowhere near as as далеко не так, как
24.03.2022 18:03:46 gen. is not nearly as as быть далеко не настолько, как
24.03.2022 17:04:11 idiom. pale in comparison to меркнуть по сравнению с (Our problems pale in comparison to theirs)
24.03.2022 16:51:57 idiom. on a different wavelength быть на другой волне (My parents and I are on a different wavelength when it comes to taste in music)
24.03.2022 16:51:57 idiom. on a different wavelength расходиться во взглядах (My parents and I are on a different wavelength when it comes to taste in music)
24.03.2022 16:51:57 idiom. on a different wavelength расходиться во вкусах (My parents and I are on a different wavelength when it comes to taste in music)
24.03.2022 16:39:42 gen. is not so much as не столько, сколько
24.03.2022 16:24:44 idiom. in a league of one's own не иметь равных в своей категории
24.03.2022 16:24:44 idiom. in a league of one's own быть лучшим среди равных
24.03.2022 15:12:13 gen. not a patch on не чета чем-либо (I like Krispy burgers, but they are not a patch on Krusty burgers)
24.03.2022 15:12:13 gen. not a patch on ничто в сравнении с чем-либо (I like Krispy burgers, but they are not a patch on Krusty burgers)
24.03.2022 15:12:13 gen. not a patch on в подметки не годится (I like Krispy burgers, but they are not a patch on Krusty burgers)
22.03.2022 16:20:50 gen. the fog comes down туман опускается
10.03.2022 15:09:52 idiom. dig oneself into a hole выкопать себе яму (a situation when one causes a problem that one will find difficult to escape from:  I've dug myself into a hole)
10.03.2022 15:03:11 idiom. put one's foot in it ляпнуть не подумав (to say something tactless and embarrassing)
8.03.2022 15:39:30 gen. be a victim of their own success быть заложником собственного успеха
8.03.2022 14:29:53 gen. hear on the grapevine сорока на хвосте принесла
8.03.2022 14:16:53 gen. put it down to experience на ошибках учатся
9.01.2022 15:04:59 gen. anodyne ничем не примечательный
9.01.2022 15:04:59 gen. anodyne самый обычный
9.01.2022 15:04:59 gen. anodyne проходной
9.01.2022 12:46:39 gen. multifariousness разнообразие
9.01.2022 12:46:39 gen. multifariousness многообразие
9.01.2022 8:59:01 inf. crotchety не в духах
9.01.2022 8:53:52 gen. irate listener разгневанный радиослушатель
9.01.2022 8:52:37 gen. irate letter гневное письмо
9.01.2022 8:42:59 gen. it would be galling to будет обидно (It would be galling to lose your job because of a dispute with a customer.)
9.01.2022 8:37:28 gen. the most galling thing about sth is that и что самое обидное ... (The most galling thing about his winning all that money is that he was already a millionaire!)
9.01.2022 7:30:21 idiom. worm one's way out of sth отлынивать (He wormed his way out of the work again!)
9.01.2022 7:30:21 idiom. worm one's way out of sth сачковать (He wormed his way out of the work again!)
9.01.2022 7:30:21 idiom. worm one's way out of sth увиливать (He wormed his way out of the work again!)
9.01.2022 7:30:21 idiom. worm one's way out of sth отвертеться от (He wormed his way out of the work again!)
9.01.2022 6:34:33 idiom. blow one's top выйти из себя (When she told him, he blew his top and began shouting.)
9.01.2022 6:29:05 gen. blazing row ожесточённый спор
8.01.2022 14:47:57 idiom. suffer from sour grapes завидовать (Pat is also suffering from sour grapes because I got the role in the school play that she wanted.)
8.01.2022 14:02:33 gen. be walking on air не чувствовать под собой ног от счастья (I've been walking on air ever since Chris and I started going out together)
8.01.2022 14:02:33 gen. be walking on air не чувствовать под собой земли от счастья (I've been walking on air ever since Chris and I started going out together)
8.01.2022 14:02:33 gen. be walking on air быть очень счастливым (I've been walking on air ever since Chris and I started going out together)
21.11.2021 20:09:18 gen. the debt amounted to 540 million at about the last count по последним подсчётам, долг составлял около 540 миллионов
21.11.2021 18:16:01 gen. flagging enthusiasm сходящий на нет энтузиазм
24.08.2021 15:11:38 gen. that'll have to do пойдёт!
24.08.2021 15:11:38 gen. that'll have to do так сойдёт
21.10.2020 18:17:48 gen. garner a great deal of publicity получать широкое освещение в СМИ
21.10.2020 18:08:21 gen. transgress social and legal rules нарушить общественные и правовые нормы
21.10.2020 18:01:20 gen. social friction общественные разногласия
10.09.2020 11:45:05 gen. flatly contradict в корне противоречить
10.09.2020 11:12:56 gen. go on an economy drive затянуть пояса
10.09.2020 11:12:19 gen. a lick of paint слой свежей краски (to give something a lick of paint – чуть-чуть подкрасить)
17.08.2020 20:26:26 gen. sift through public records прочёсывать архивные документы
17.08.2020 19:59:35 gen. crushingly expensive неподъёмно дорого (The cost of living in London is crushingly expensive)
17.08.2020 19:50:18 gen. he narrowly escaped prison он едва не угодил в тюрьму