
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ArthurMorgan: 5

16.11.2020 12:25:06 gen. Operation Warp Speed операция сверхзвуковая скорость (It's an operation initiated by the U.S. government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines: Operation Warp Speed's goal is to produce and deliver 300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the initial doses available by January 2021 hhs.gov)
10.10.2020 17:14:35 gen. assailment нападение (Alone, he confronted the tortuous assailments from Mara's evil hordes youtube.com)
26.09.2020 18:09:25 idiom. linger in relative obscurity предаваться часами забвению (This has given a big boost to apps that used to linger in relative obscurity, like Google's video chatting application, Duo, and Houseparty, which allows groups of friends to join a single video chat and play games together. nytimes.com)
26.09.2020 17:43:45 sport. marble racing мраморные гонки (спортивная игра, где в качестве гоночных болидов используются мраморные шарики : With all major-league games called off, there hasn't been much sports to consume beyond marble racing and an occasional Belarusian soccer match. nytimes.com)
26.09.2020 17:31:57 gen. Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center центр Джона Хопкинса по исследованию коронавируса (Over time, readers have also looked to more ambitious efforts to quantify the spread of the virus, like the one produced by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center nytimes.com)