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link 7.04.2012 7:48 
Subject: OFF: Приключения британского юрика в России lit.


link 11.04.2012 17:43 
... гораздо интереснее почитать про наши реалии на английском языке в гениальной книге Батлера "Erewon"... 1872 год, однако, а как свежо звучит ...

My teacher also told me that one of the leading merchants had sent me an invitation to repair to his house and to consider myself his guest for as long a time as I chose. "He is a delightful man," continued the interpreter, "but has suffered terribly from" (here there came a long word which I could not quite catch, only it was much longer than kleptomania), "and has but lately recovered from embezzling a large sum of money under singularly distressing circumstances; ...
With the above words the good man left the room before I had time to express my astonishment at hearing such extraordinary language from the lips of one who seemed to be a reputable member of society. "Embezzle a large sum of money under singularly distressing circumstances!" I exclaimed to myself, "and ask ME to go and stay with him! I shall do nothing of the sort – compromise myself at the very outset in the eyes of all decent people, and give the death-blow to my chances of either converting them if they are the lost tribes of Israel, or making money out of them if they are not! No. I will do anything rather than that." And when I next saw my teacher I told him that I did not at all like the sound of what had been proposed for me, and that I would have nothing to do with it. For by my education and the example of my own parents, and I trust also in some degree from inborn instinct, I have a very genuine dislike for all unhandsome dealings in money matters, though none can have a greater regard for money than I have, if it be got fairly.
The interpreter was much surprised by my answer, and said that I should be very foolish if I persisted in my refusal.
He then went on to say that one would have thought from my manner that my proposed host had had jaundice or pleurisy or been generally unfortunate, and that I was in fear of infection.

"I am not much afraid of infection," said I, impatiently, "but I have some regard for my character; and if I know a man to be an embezzler of other people's money, be sure of it, I will give him as wide a berth as I can. If he were ill or poor – "

"Ill or poor!" interrupted the interpreter, with a face of great alarm. "So that's your notion of propriety! You would consort with the basest criminals, and yet deem simple embezzlement a bar to friendly intercourse. I cannot understand you."

"But I am poor myself," cried I.

"You were," said he; "and you were liable to be severely punished for it, – indeed, at the council which was held concerning you, this fact was very nearly consigning you to what I should myself consider a well-deserved chastisement" (for he was getting angry, and so was I); "but the Queen was so inquisitive, and wanted so much to see you, that she petitioned the King and made him give you his pardon, and assign you a pension in consideration of your meritorious complexion. It is lucky for you that he has not heard what you have been saying now, or he would be sure to cancel it."
This is what I gathered. That in that country if a man falls into ill health, or catches any disorder, or fails bodily in any way before he is seventy years old, he is tried before a jury of his countrymen, and if convicted is held up to public scorn and sentenced more or less severely as the case may be. There are subdivisions of illnesses into crimes and misdemeanours as with offences amongst ourselves – a man being punished very heavily for serious illness, while failure of eyes or hearing in one over sixty-five, who has had good health hitherto, is dealt with by fine only, or imprisonment in default of payment. But if a man forges a cheque, or sets his house on fire, or robs with violence from the person, or does any other such things as are criminal in our own country, he is either taken to a hospital and most carefully tended at the public expense, or if he is in good circumstances, he lets it be known to all his friends that he is suffering from a severe fit of immorality, just as we do when we are ill, and they come and visit him with great solicitude, and inquire with interest how it all came about, what symptoms first showed themselves, and so forth, – questions which he will answer with perfect unreserve; for bad conduct, though considered no less deplorable than illness with ourselves, and as unquestionably indicating something seriously wrong with the individual who misbehaves, is nevertheless held to be the result of either pre-natal or post-natal misfortune.

The strange part of the story, however, is that though they ascribe moral defects to the effect of misfortune either in character or surroundings, they will not listen to the plea of misfortune in cases that in England meet with sympathy and commiseration only. Ill luck of any kind, or even ill treatment at the hands of others, is considered an offence against society, inasmuch as it makes people uncomfortable to hear of it. Loss of fortune, therefore, or loss of some dear friend on whom another was much dependent, is punished hardly less severely than physical delinquency.


link 11.04.2012 17:43 
КЖ, seriously, i'm now drunk and loveful. so i'd rather just sit back and listen. merlot effect, you know, and don't you judge me :)) i'm such a peaceful creature most of the time.


link 11.04.2012 17:49 
Переводчику найти смысл жизни очень легко. Достаточно покуковать пару недель без любимой работы, и сразу поймешь, в чем смысл твоей жизни.

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 17:53 
Talent requires nobody. Sometimes God kisses someone to find peace somewhere else)))) Tarantula, you have a beautiful mind. Do you have a beautiful body?)) Sorry, but I need to know. Anyway, you don't know which answer is correct))) Let's play...


link 11.04.2012 17:54 
Почему юристы должны есть бананы или новые приключения юрика
Why Lawyers Should Eat Bananas: Inspirational ideas for lawyers wanting more out of life


link 11.04.2012 17:57 
well.. they say i do. :) i don't really care, KZh.. i'm not really fond of thinking of how appealing i am. who cares when i don't.

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:03 
don't play with me, girl...)
We all want to know who really hides under the she-spider name. Any chance to see you?


link 11.04.2012 18:06 
uh... no chance on the Internet :)))


link 11.04.2012 18:08 
...как трогательно ...)))

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:11 
Any chance at all then?))) Is sex not appealling to you?)


link 11.04.2012 18:14 

six is not enough .... pls invite all your friends and acquaintances...

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:14 
можно увеличить фотографию?))) Не успел рассмотреть грудь девушки, а также свою, и хвостики))))

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:18 
да ну вас нафик, завистник несчастный))) Tarantula любит меня, а не вас))) Смиритесь)


link 11.04.2012 18:20 
oh wait, that's me, well, not in my entirety. but quite enough for 123: to fantasize bout a splendid blond with puffy lips, yeah.


link 11.04.2012 18:22 
(задумчиво) ... какие красивые длинные ноги ... особенно правая ... заметно красивее и длиннее левой ... )))


link 11.04.2012 18:31 
:)) you're talkin' it's a fashionable manner of leg positionin'

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:34 
Good style, good colour combination! Apparently younger than me))) Very good legs. Apparently very good genes. I know everything about you now)))


link 11.04.2012 18:37 
КЖ... конгенитально!... the brain box does not matter ...))


link 11.04.2012 18:38 
КЖ, хочь представлю фотку тарантулы в обмен на свободно конвертируемую валюту??


link 11.04.2012 18:40 
...КЖ ... повнимательней рассмотрите гены, штоб не вляпаться... )))

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:43 
to be even and open)))


link 11.04.2012 18:46 
(испуганно вздрагивает) ... Классика жанра ... а что у вас на голове?!... впервые вижу рога такой странной формы....

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:48 
не надо. Оставьте деньги себе)))

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 18:49 
это в Казани такое построили. Честное слово)))


link 11.04.2012 18:51 
...ааа .... знаю .... буровая установка ... я про них мнооого переводил....)))


link 11.04.2012 18:53 
а в Кемерово дешевле


link 11.04.2012 18:59 
Перефраз (про фото и смысел жизни):

Хмелел КЖ, слеза катила,
Слеза несбывшихся надежд,
Ведь на крайняк ему светила,
Путевка в город....блин, Будапешт.

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 19:03 
Нет, San-Sanych,
в тот момент уже трезвел КЖ)))
Был я в вашей Братиславе. Город как деревня, даром, что столица)))


link 11.04.2012 19:05 
Гы, дык а я о чем?

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 19:10 
Мужики, вы чего?)))
Я же для tarantul'ы ответную любезность делаю.
Нездоровый у вас интерес)))


link 11.04.2012 19:18 
... ааа .... понял!... вышка за спиной - это фаллический символ ... большого же вы о себе самомнения, молодой человек ... ))))

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 19:23 
это я еще замерз)))))


link 11.04.2012 19:31 
шутка про Казань рулит (21:49)
иначе можно было бы подумать, что аутентично выглядящая мутная вышка должна поведать публике о наличии шенгенской визы (а тарантуле - еще и об отсутствии UV-фильтра на фотике)


link 11.04.2012 19:51 
Силли, ну кто видит заваленный горизонт, покоцанную архитектуру в кадре и отсутствие каких-то uv-фильтров после того, как ему/ей сказали столько телесных комплиментов. вы меня правильно поймите, я сейчас далеко не ольга свиблова. да и не только сейчас, если уж пооткровенничать :))


link 11.04.2012 19:54 
(тупо моргая)...ольга свиблова... эта та, которая под поезд бросилась из-за Каренина?...


link 11.04.2012 19:55 
да, mr. Brainbox, это о ней японские комиксы.

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 20:06 
Ну что 123,
ждем вашу реальную фотографию, раз уж вы такой активный))) Слабо?)


link 11.04.2012 20:18 
... ну вот так, примерно ... тонкая психика ... оголенные нервы ...

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 20:18 
Чувствую, что нужно еще больше нахулиганить, что-то скучно))).
Есть идеи, коллеги?)

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 20:22 
я верю.
Вы очень откровенны и я вас за это ценю.


link 11.04.2012 20:29 
KZh, 123: this song is for you to share, maybe. sticking pins no worse than Shakira and leavin' you dry. so sad 'n classy in a way, bawdy lyrics and catchy loop. yeah, babes :))) uh.. http://youtu.be/PIkWJZf33UY

 Классика жанра

link 11.04.2012 20:33 
Ну вот))), опять девочки победили мальчиков. А мы тут чуть не подрались)))


link 11.04.2012 20:34 
КЖ, девочки всегда побеждают мальчиков, разве не знал?


link 11.04.2012 20:34 
идея ветки была хороша.
потом ветка скатилась куда обычно.
наконец-то опять ветка перестает быть томной...


link 11.04.2012 21:06 


link 12.04.2012 0:04 
Кто-то где-то сказал: "Графоманство не порок, но большое свинство" (ни к кому не обращаясь) :)


link 12.04.2012 4:44 
Спасибо, почитаем.


link 12.04.2012 7:16 
being rather playful than loveful... as ever


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