

link 15.04.2013 22:44 
Subject: Проверьте, пожалуйста, расшифровку аудио! gen.

0-24 I may not have been born with natural athletic abilities but I wanna be the hardest worker there, not gonna let anyone upwork me. I wanna try to become the best at everything. I do my hardest to complete that.
- Let me say that…?
- Which run?
D: in Jonny is the perfect the classic example. Even now I mean we’ve seen videos of him, I mean he just had a video recently doing or turn of ten tons notch (snutch) . I think his body is like one fifty eight so that’s obviously awesome. But even now if you jus if you saw this kid just on the street you wanna look at him and say, ‘oh, there is a beast right there.’ But inside of that shell that kinda almost scaterish looking shell there is a crossfit animal and he is just he is the perfect example of how how it’s not just for you athletes it’s not just for someone who looks a certain way. And it’s cute cause it’s an opportunity for them like I said to build have the identity that maybe they possibly didn’t think they were gonna have and maybe they were gonna go a different direction and go towards a different identity but you know thankfully fortunately they got involved with this healthy and productive identity instead, and I mean that the proof is obvious – you know – what’s his turn in doing frei??? Who knows whether he is going to continue doing that… I mean he is only 17 years old and he is doing some big things already.
- People always perceived me as a bad type of guy. Like… I was hanging out with the wrong kinda kids. They were you know smoking, drinking you know… sneaking out at night. And got me into a lot of trouble when I was younger. And I knew that it wasn’t for me. You know that was basically all I had - all my friends back then were just those kinda kids.
- It definitely keeps ‘im on this straight road. Because of crossfit. It has definitely put him on this narrow road of health and fitness for the rest of his life. And it is it’s a total reflection on crossfit – it’s totally because of that, because When his friends do go out they or they are going to get a little party Johny will come home early ‘cause he has to sleep, he only knows that sleep is important he won’t go to that party. They wanna drink - he won’t because he needs to wake up tomorrow morning and train hard and he knows that just gonna affect his performance and he does not want that stuff to affect his performance because he takes it so serious so... crossfit has that affect on kids especially when they… they buy into it, and they see how awesome it makes them and how different they can be as athletes or just young adults in general you know it’s huge. It’s awesome.
- 87 pounds, right?
- 86.
- 86. Home made. Five gallon buckey just filled it with 2 bags of concrete?
- Or bag and a half.
- Bag and a half. Little ballistic(?) enough… it’s muddy.

- Me and my dad we started from nothing like I said, we had 10 bills, a couple of little pull-up brick that we set up, couple barbells and you know we just started you know. We started just learning everything on the main site. I remember going to the park where we lived in the apartments and just figuring out stuff to do. I just could not stop because times were tough. Just because I didn’t have the space to do it, we still figure out the way to do it.
- Ничего не понятно говорит.
- There is so many things that can pull us apart as a family or as a father and son. But this just if anything connects or makes us a stronger team because we know what this feels like each of us can attest to the feelings that we both have during the ward(?) work during the strength work. And when we PR even it’s just we’re happy for each other and then it’s something we both enjoy together.
- 4:57 A’right. Straight up. Six good.
- Are you hard on Johny?
- Hard?
- Are you hard on?
- Pause. Yeah. I guess.
- Is it not bad?
- I just want him to do well. You know? So, it means a lot for me. Him having this opportunity that I didn’t have when we grew up it’s gonna be huge for his future.
- My name is Johny Medina the Third and crossfit saved my life.


link 15.04.2013 23:03 
поправка: a video recently of doing a turn of ten tons notch

 Francis Fanon

link 16.04.2013 0:39 
0-24 I may not have been born with natural athletic abilities but I'm gonna be the hardest worker there, and I'm not gonna let anyone outwork me. I'm gonna try to become the best at everything and do my hardest to complete that.
- And who said that?
- Rich Rowny (sp. ?)
D: in Jonny is the perfect the classic example. Even now I mean we’ve seen videos of him, I mean he just had a video recently doing a two hundred and ten pound snatch. I think his body weight is like one fifty eight so that’s obviously awesome. But even now if you jus if you saw this kid just on the street you wouldn't look at him and say, ‘oh, there is a beast right there.’ But inside of that shell that kinda almost skater-ish looking shell there is a crossfit animal and he is just he is the perfect example of how how it’s not just for your athletes it’s not just for someone who looks a certain way. And it’s good cause it’s an opportunity for them like I said to build, to have that identity that maybe they possibly didn’t think they were gonna have and maybe they were gonna go a different direction and go towards a different identity but you know thankfully fortunately they got involved with this healthy and productive identity instead, and I mean that the proof is obvious – you know – what’s he's turned into and who knows, what he's probably going to continue to do… I mean he is only 17 years old and he is doing some big things already.
- People always perceived me as a bad type of guy. Like… I was hanging out with the wrong kinda kids. They were you know smoking, drinking you know… sneaking out at night. And got me into a lot of trouble when I was younger. And I knew that it wasn’t for me. You know that was basically all I had - all my friends back then were just those kinda kids.
- It definitely keeps ‘im on this straight road. Because of crossfit. It has definitely put him on this narrow road of health and fitness for the rest of his life. And it is it’s a total reflection on crossfit – it’s totally because of that, because When his friends do go out they or they are going to go to a party Johny will come home early ‘cause he has to sleep, he knows that sleep is important he won’t go to that party. They wanna drink - he won’t because he needs to wake up tomorrow morning and train hard and he knows that just gonna affect his performance and he does not want that stuff to affect his performance because he takes it so serious so... crossfit has that affect on kids especially when they… they buy into it, and they see how awesome it makes them and how different they can be as athletes or just young adults in general you know it’s huge. It’s awesome.
- 87 pounds, right?
- 86.
- 86. Home made. Five gallon bucket just filled it with 2 bags of concrete?
- Or bag and a half.
- Bag and a half. Little hole sticking out, that's about it.

- Me and my dad we started from nothing like I said, we had dumbells, you know a couple, a little pull-up rig that we set up, couple barbells and you know we just started you know. We started just learning everything on the main site. I remember going to the park where we lived in the apartments and just figuring out stuff to do. I just could not stop because times were tough. Just because I didn’t have the space to do it, we still figured out a way to do it.
- ..I just kept saying that over and over after you said that the one time I was just "chest first" that kept me strong, kept me tight
- There is so many things that can pull us apart as a family or as a father and son. But this just if anything connects or makes us a stronger team because we know what this feels like each of us can attest to the feelings that we both have during the wad(?) or during the strength work. And when we PR even it’s just we’re happy for each other and then it’s something we both enjoy together.
- 4:57 A’right. Straight up. Six good.
- Are you hard on him, Johnny?
- Hard?
- Are you hard on him?
- Pause. Yeah. I guess.
- Can you talk about it?
- I just want him to do well. You know? So, it means a lot for me. Him having this opportunity that I didn’t have when we grew up it’s gonna be huge for his future.
- My name is Johny Medina the Third and crossfit saved my life.


link 16.04.2013 0:58 
just a small correction to a perfect Francis's version:

an opportunity for them like I said to build, to have BE ABLE TO HAVE that identity that maybe they possibly didn’t think they were gonna have


link 16.04.2013 1:08 
Even now I mean = Even now and then ?? (не слушал - пока негде было. чисто по смыслу)

 Episode II

link 16.04.2013 2:15 
oops, never mind ... фигню написал в 4:08


link 16.04.2013 2:18 
oops, never mind ... фигню написал в 4:08


link 16.04.2013 11:55 
Спасибо преогромное, Fransis_Fanon!!!


link 17.04.2013 11:58 
У меня в одном месте все же сомнение есть:
1:04 - он говорит you wouldn't look at him или you wanna look at him?

But even now if you jus if you saw this kid just on the street you wouldn't look at him and say, ‘oh, there is a beast right there.’ But inside of that shell that kinda almost skater-ish looking shell there is a crossfit animal and he is just he is the perfect example of how how it’s not just for your athletes it’s not just for someone who looks a certain way.

Правильно ли я понимаю, что beast в данном контексте - это "качок"?

и что такое skaterish looking? Чмошник? :) Не могу что-то найти ничего вразумительного.

Заранее спасибо.


link 17.04.2013 12:09 
A skater is a person that is in to skating or BMX but not all skaters do, skater is a rough definition for someone who likes a weaker version of rock and metal music. Skaters normally wear baggy jeans and baggy shirts normally wearing caps and beaked beanies. Skaters are not really the most voilent group of people but wont stand for peoples comments and will stick up for one another, skaters are not normally very muscluar but are normally in pretty good shape at running and fighting. Skaters and Goths, who normally get mixed up by alot of people, do get on pretty well. Skaters are the main enemies of the townies and sometimes chavs.
Skaters are normally very laided back mainly looking for a laugh and can get mixed up with stoners.

Я так понимаю, это какая-то подростковая субкультура. Трудновато мне найти ей соответствие. Да или не заморачиваться и просто написать "похож на скейт(борд)ера"?


link 17.04.2013 12:21 
Вот нашла скейт-панк http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%82-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BA
и стрейт-эйдж

 Francis Fanon

link 17.04.2013 12:36 
похож на скейтера хороший вариант по-моему

beast- да, сильный, накаченный парень


link 17.04.2013 15:31 
Еще непонятно, что такое chest first:

– ..I just kept saying that over and over after you said that the one time I was just "chest first" that kept me strong, kept me tight.

4:15 на видео. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4w09N2wnps&feature=youtu.be


link 17.04.2013 15:32 
скорая помощь что ли?


link 17.04.2013 15:34 
– ..когда ты мне один раз сказал, что я тебя как будто реанимировал (это было как скорая помощь), я все время себе это повторял, это помогало мне быть сильным, не сдаваться.

или я все не так понимаю вообще?


link 17.04.2013 15:54 
Дык а че с этим панком случилось вообще? Передоз? Почему кросфит спас ему жизнь?


link 17.04.2013 15:57 
не в ту компанию попал. мог пойти по скользкой дорожке правонарушений. ))) кроссфит сделал из него человека.


link 17.04.2013 16:03 
Просто гугл, вот, выдает на chest first, видимо, сложнейшую дилемму для всех качков "Which Should I Do First If I Work Out: Chest Or Triceps?"

Может, тренер имеет в виду, что советы давал какие-то? Что постоянно говорил о кроссфите этом с парнем, и от этого у него силы жизненные появлялись... У него, конечно, в этой фразе набор слов какой-то невразумительный...

Америкосы, конечно, любят в таких передачах драматизировать, но что-то у них там произошло, Энигма, о чем Вы нам не говорите:)


link 17.04.2013 16:03 
пфффф, и все?? Папаша drama queen какой-то))


link 17.04.2013 16:05 
Этот тренер - его отец, он рад, что сынок его не скололся вместе с гопниками с Южного централа, а вот какой молодец - не пьет и фитнесом занимается.


link 17.04.2013 16:14 
к saved my life у амириканцев надо относиться с известной долей допущения иносказательности
наскока я понимаю допускаю, жызнь его пропала бы может не в смысле что сдох бы, но в смысле что она была бы wasted. может быть slowly wasted. а тут внезапно purpose какой-то. и это не важно, что purpose пока такой пффффф и по большому счету никому не нужный, главное что он себя в тонусе держит - а там глядишь чо подвернется. что в целом даже где-то как-то мейкс сенс. вот такие они амириканцы.


link 18.04.2013 8:01 
Я андерстенд, спасибо за экспленейшин:)


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