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link 10.10.2005 13:31 
Subject: Утверждаю, согласовано


link 10.10.2005 16:58 
По оригинал-макету могу дать небольшую подборку, собранную по сусекам как-то по случаю (прошу прощения, размечать всё это влом):
mechanical, camera-ready, camera-ready mechanical - репродуцируемый оригинал-макет (РОМ), издательский оригинал-макет, цветоделённые плёнки, диапозитив или негатив (полученные при помощи фотонабора), копия монтажа диапозитивов или негативов (фотоформа), штриховой (не полутоновой и монохромный) оригинал. Вероятнее всего, если исходить из смысла, изначально этим термином обозначалась наборная печатная форма (набор), полученная ручным или машинным способом, которая могла быть пробной (оригинальной) или же тиражной.
Джекки Хауард Бэр (Jacci Howard Bear) http://desktoppub.about.com/od/layout/a/cutpaste.htm: «Many of today's new desktop publishers are unfamiliar with traditional pasteup techniques and the use of mechanicals for "camera ready" art. You may believe that page layout must all be done on the computer. Or, you may be hesitant about venturing into the unknown world of traditional pasteup techniques».
«Indicate appropriate printer/camera instructions on mechanical: trim marks, fold lines, register marks, inks and percentages, bleeds, die cuts, foil stamping, spot varnish, embossing, etc.» (Программа курса графического дизайна)
mechanical - artboard or digital printout containing text and graphics ready for the camera (or photocopier) (Джекки Хауард Бэр (Jacci Howard Bear) http://desktoppub.about.com/od/layout/a/cutpaste_3.htm)
mechanical separation Mechanical prepared using a separate overlay for each color to be printed.(http://www.cdlinc.com/glossary.htm)
Mechanical: Camera-ready or right-reading negative. (http://www.collegeart.org/caa/publications/AJ_ABrates.html)
camera ready - art and text that is ready to photographed for making printing plates (Джекки Хауард Бэр (Jacci Howard Bear, http://desktoppub.about.com/od/layout/a/cutpaste_3.htm)
Иными словами, mechanical это физически существующий макет, выклейной, плёночный или даже формный (Computer-to-Plate), в том числе спусковой — видимое невооружённым глазом изображение на каком-либо твёрдом носителе будущего издания. Вот типичное употребление этого термина в контексте:
Digital files: CD in QuarkXpress, Photoshop, or PDF software, in Mac format, accompanied by:
A printed proof of the ad for visual reference.
A printed list of all files and fonts contained on the disc.
Mechanical: Camera-ready or right-reading negative. Halftone illustrations and photographs require a 150-line screen in The Art Bulletin and a 133-line screen in Art Journal.
То есть налицо чёткое разграничение: машиночитаемый макет (soft mechanical, electronic mechanical) и макет обычный, плёнки или выклейка.

cold composition copy - текстовой репродуцируемый оригинал-макет (глоссарий В. И. Макарова, http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=2915962_2_1)

dummy layout - модульная сетка, типовой макет художественного оформления издания, макет полосы, типовой схематический макет художественного оформления, принципиальный макет художественного оформления, макет-стандарт

soft mechanical, electronic mechanical - машиночитаемый издательский оригинал, кодированный издательский оригинал, кодированный издательский оригинал-макет
paste board - (http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/sciwriting/posters.htm: «Lay the final artwork out on the actual poster board, but do not glue it down »)
Copyboard A board upon which the copy is pasted for the purpose of photographing. (http://www.craneduplicating.com/v1/Glossary/index.cfm?fuseAction=welcome)

pasteup, paste-up - 1) выклейной макет, 2) расклейка; 3) выклейка макета, изготовление расклейки; 4) фотомонтаж; 5) монтаж оригиналов путём наклеивания; 6) выклеивание матриц; 7) приклейка клише; 8) фотоформа
Pasteup is a camera ready mechanical or the process of preparing a camera ready mechanical.

page makeup / page layout / page composition / make-up page — arranging text and graphics on the page (whether on the computer or manually) (Джекки Хауард Бэр (Jacci Howard Bear) http://desktoppub.about.com/od/layout/a/cutpaste_3.htm)

Comp, Comprehensive (see also Rough) Designer's complete mockup of an idea or concept for a printed piece. (http://www.go-star.com/starprinting/glossary.htm )
dummy, comprehensive dummy, dummy comprehensive, comp, comprehensive, compart 1) A detailed dummy or sketch of a design, intended to give a client or the printer a clear sense of how the finished publication will or should look when reproduced.
(http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/sciwriting/posters.htm: «In preparing your poster, perform a dummy layout first using a pencil on soft paper that is the same size as the allotted poster area. … When the dummy layout is correct, make draft printouts of your text and graphics, and attach them to the dummy layout.»)
2) A preliminary layout showing the positions of illustrations and text as they are to appear in the final reproduction.
3) A set of blank pages made up in advance to show the size, shape, form, and general style of a printed piece.
4) Complete simulation of a printed piece.
Все эти разночтения (http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/pagelayout/f/dummy_comp.htm)

Некоторую ясность вносит John Magnik, Trade Certificated Compositor, TAFE / VET Teacher — Melbourne, Australia
The sequence followed for preparing graphic layout materials is drawing thumbnail sketches, rough layout, and comprehensive layout. Several thumbnail sketches are usually prepared. The selection is made by the person who is ordering the product.
The rough layout is made up of the thumbnail sketch chosen. This layout is generally the same size as the final product and contains all of the copy and illustrations. Alterations can be easily made between the thumbnail sketch to the rough layout, and again between the rough and the comprehensive layout.
The comprehensive layout is based upon the general arrangements of the thumbnail sketch and the rough layout. This is a precision layout which permits the customer to see what the final product will look like. The overlay sheet generally attached to the base sheet is used to indicate how the final product should be produced. (http://www.typography-1st.com/typo/layouts.shtml)

Однако при этом Джекки Хауард Бэр (Jacci Howard Bear) [Prior to 1997, Jacci Bear was a freelance designer and writer. Since that time she has been teaching desktop publishing on the Web through her own writing and by consolidating information found throughout the Internet. Experience:
During the 1990s Ms. Bear desktop-published a small magazine about desktop publishing, co-founded the FidoNet INK echo and AusTINK, both DTP-related groups. Her software reviews and other writings have appeared in various publications and in recent years her GuideSite has been cited in publications, such as Home Office Computing, as a top source for DTP information.], утверждает прямо противоположное (http://desktoppub.about.com/mbiopage.htm):
Q. What's the difference between a dummy and a comp?
A. A dummy and a comp (short for comprehensive artwork or composite design) are both mock-ups. Generally comps are the preliminary layouts of several different design options that you show to a client for them to choose from. Some designers may show the client sketched thumbnails. Others may present more complete comps, in full-size, with actual text and images in place -- only missing some finetuning of images and type.
A dummy may be for internal use, ideas for layouts use placeholder text and graphics. Or, you may give your printer a dummy of your design showing how it is to be assembled. This would probably be a laser-printout of your document, trimmed to the final dimensions and folded.
The terms comp, dummy, and mock-up may sometimes be interchanged, but in general a comp is in the early stages of the design process and a dummy is for internal use or for showing the "mock-up of a finished piece" to your printer.


link 10.10.2005 17:04 
Утверждение в англоязычном издательском деле сейчас практически всегда именуется словом approval, то есть утверждено будет approved.


link 11.10.2005 5:48 
my 2 cents:

на нашем проекте согласовано/утверждено переводиться как Process authorisation/Principal authorisation, правда, наверно стоит учитывать, что это австралийцы ...


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