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link 8.04.2011 19:07 
Subject: OFF: введение процедуры оценки участия в Форуме МТ - рац. предложение

 Sjoe! moderator

link 11.04.2011 12:31 
Начнем, пожалуй.
Из Информация о пользователе Kirsha (

Имя: Наталья
Страна: Россия
Город: Киев

+1 от Sjoe!


link 11.04.2011 12:44 
вспомнилось из статьи про Лизу Симпсон в педивикии:

Her brightness manifests itself in various ways. Lisa is said to have an IQ of 156,[56] and in "They Saved Lisa's Brain" (season ten, 1999) she becomes a member of the Springfield chapter of Mensa.[57] When unable to attend school due to a teachers' strike in "The PTA Disbands", (season six, 1995) she suffers withdrawl symptoms because of the sudden lack of praise.[58] She even demands that her mother grade her for no obvious reason.


link 11.04.2011 14:18 
видимо, Kirsha серьёзно отреагировала на жёсткие и довольно обидные комментарии некоторых коллег, и это, скорей всего, стало для неё весомым аргументом в пользу решения уйти с форума. несмотря на то, что довод "останусь, потому что мои ответы кому-то здесь помогают" представляется гораздо более разумным. очень жаль, что такое происходит, я имею в виду, что коллеги не в шутку набрасываются друг на друга без особых причин. и уж конечно, какие-то дополнительные кнопки для рейтинга эту проблему не решат, разве что Кирша ожидает, что, как минимум, с их появлением дотошные придирки и наезды трансформируются в простые минусы, а солидарные коллеги не станут отмалчиваться и поставят плюсик. а думается, это скорее утопия. лучшее средство здесь, наверное - сдерживать профессиональную (и не только) гордость в разумно необходимых пределах, упреждая её чрезмерное разрастание, т.к. от неё, большой-и-вдруг-униженной, по ходу, и вся горечь.


link 11.04.2011 18:14 
A total minefield but fortune favors the brave…

///SirReal: Говорить про это можно сколько угодно, да воз и ныне там... и там и останется еще очень, очень долго.///
I couldn’t disagree more with this statement and here’s why.
First and foremost, this is an industry Forum designed for the specialist, а не какой-нить там a bla-bla-bla forum for the nonspecialist.
ИМХО: The evaluation thing is round the corner, it’s in order (це на часі!), and it’s in the air. It’s coming along and it will finally come in strength - within a couple of years or so at the most! There can be no doubt about that, if this MT community desires to keep abreast of the times and doesn’t want to be pushed to the sidelines and to fall behind other professional fora.

It’s both a shame and a sad fact that some colleagues (Yippie and people of his ilk) say that because somebody wants MT Forum to be like this it will always stay that way.
if scores are not assigned,
it means - there is nobody who needs it.
It means - someone wants them not to be.

Who is that someone?
What I see instead is that the Forum’s best ranks are getting thinner and thinner as some of its good translators are leaving in droves or show up very rarely so much are they discouraged (and not only they but the beginners as well). Can anyone tell me where they have all gone? BTW, Serge1985, thank you for your suggestion.

Regarding: “очки»
When I say “очки» I understand that it’s a bit over the top (that’s why I used inverted commas – see my topic above). But evaluation may come in other forms too. The score-based appraisal system may be a step too far and, by definition, inapplicable to MT Forum which is, and claims to be, too cool, too unique and too unbridled and wild to be constrained in such an “unsavory” way. Silly wizard said in jest a true thing here. A built-in option to unobtrusively remind/invite/encourage (pick the word!) the user rather than induce him to vote on their colleagues’ answers by putting a plus sign (or a brief comment, as the case may be) next to a successful answer would be a good idea. Интересно, что при достаточной длине ветки ответчики видят, какой ответ удался, but choose to keep mum instead except some rare occasions. Это почти бойкот, это несправедливое отношение, иными словами, it’s silent treatment, и это нечестно. Good answers should be on the surface for all to see and enjoy them, including the answerer. At the same time, the "minus" button may be dispensed with because it doesn’t serve the purpose of encouraging … one’s interest in life.

The big idea behind my proposal is to try and find ways to reward skill, toil and devotion as opposed to speed and cheapness. But today this Forum is oftentimes way too speedy and way too cheap and I don’t buy it.
A total minefield but fortune favors the brave…
///SirReal: Говорить про это можно сколько угодно, да воз и ныне там... и там и останется еще очень, очень долго.///

I couldn’t disagree more with this statement and here’s why.
First and foremost, this is an industry Forum designed for the specialist, а не какой-нить там a bla-bla-bla forum for the nonspecialist.
ИМХО: The evaluation thing is round the corner, it’s in order (це на часі!), and it’s in the air. It’s coming along and it will finally come in strength - within a couple of years or so at the most! There can be no doubt about that, if this MT community desires to keep abreast of the times and doesn’t want to be pushed to the sidelines and to fall behind other professional fora.

It’s both a shame and a sad fact that some colleagues (Yippie and people of his ilk) say that because somebody wants MT Forum to be like this it will always stay that way.
if scores are not assigned,
it means - there is nobody who needs it.
It means - someone wants them not to be.

Who is that someone?
What I see instead is that the Forum’s best ranks are getting thinner and thinner as some of its good translators are leaving in droves or show up very rarely so much are they discouraged (and not only they but the beginners as well). Can anyone tell me where they have all gone? BTW, Serge1985, thank you for your suggestion.

Regarding: “очки»
When I say “очки» I understand that it’s a bit over the top (that’s why I used inverted commas – see my topic above). But evaluation may come in other forms too. The score-based appraisal system may be a step too far and, by definition, inapplicable to MT Forum which is, and claims to be, too cool, too unique and too unbridled and wild to be constrained in such an “unsavory” way. Silly wizard said in jest a true thing here. A built-in option to unobtrusively remind/invite/encourage (pick the word!) the user rather than induce him to vote on their colleagues’ answers by putting a plus sign (or a brief comment, as the case may be) next to a successful answer would be a good idea. Интересно, что при достаточной длине ветки ответчики видят, какой ответ удался, but choose to keep mum instead except some rare occasions. Это почти бойкот, это несправедливое отношение, иными словами, it’s silent treatment, и это нечестно. Good answers should be on the surface for all to see and enjoy them, including the answerer. At the same time, the "minus" button may be dispensed with because it doesn’t serve the purpose of encouraging … one’s interest in life.

The big idea behind my proposal is to try and find ways to reward skill, toil and devotion as opposed to speed and cheapness. But today this Forum is oftentimes way too speedy and way too cheap and I don’t buy it.

A total minefield but fortune favors the brave…
///SirReal: Говорить про это можно сколько угодно, да воз и ныне там... и там и останется еще очень, очень долго.///

I couldn’t disagree more with this statement and here’s why.
First and foremost, this is an industry Forum designed for the specialist, а не какой-нить там a bla-bla-bla forum for the nonspecialist.
ИМХО: The evaluation thing is round the corner, it’s in order (це на часі!), and it’s in the air. It’s coming along and it will finally come in strength - within a couple of years or so at the most! There can be no doubt about that, if this MT community desires to keep abreast of the times and doesn’t want to be pushed to the sidelines and to fall behind other professional fora.

It’s both a shame and a sad fact that some colleagues (Yippie and people of his ilk) say that because somebody wants MT Forum to be like this it will always stay that way.
if scores are not assigned,
it means - there is nobody who needs it.
It means - someone wants them not to be.

Who is that someone?
What I see instead is that the Forum’s best ranks are getting thinner and thinner as some of its good translators are leaving in droves or show up very rarely so much are they discouraged (and not only they but the beginners as well). Can anyone tell me where they have all gone? BTW, Serge1985, thank you for your suggestion.

Regarding: “очки»
When I say “очки» I understand that it’s a bit over the top (that’s why I used inverted commas – see my topic above). But evaluation may come in other forms too. The score-based appraisal system may be a step too far and, by definition, inapplicable to MT Forum which is, and claims to be, too cool, too unique and too unbridled and wild to be constrained in such an “unsavory” way. Silly wizard said in jest a true thing here. A built-in option to unobtrusively remind/invite/encourage (pick the word!) the user rather than induce him to vote on their colleagues’ answers by putting a plus sign (or a brief comment, as the case may be) next to a successful answer would be a good idea. Интересно, что при достаточной длине ветки ответчики видят, какой ответ удался, but choose to keep mum instead except some rare occasions. Это почти бойкот, это несправедливое отношение, иными словами, it’s silent treatment, и это нечестно. Good answers should be on the surface for all to see and enjoy them, including the answerer. At the same time, the "minus" button may be dispensed with because it doesn’t serve the purpose of encouraging … one’s interest in life.

The big idea behind my proposal is to try and find ways to reward skill, toil and devotion as opposed to speed and cheapness. But today this Forum is oftentimes way too speedy and way too cheap and I don’t buy it.


link 11.04.2011 18:23 
А "трипл рунглиш" - для усиления эффекта месседжа? )


link 11.04.2011 18:42 
well...this triple answer zombifies me, so it does work.


link 11.04.2011 18:43 
а 3 раза - это потому что 3 языка?


link 11.04.2011 18:52 
А можно кого-нибудь, кто прочитал последний длинный пост в двух, предложениях кратко изложить о чем там?


link 11.04.2011 19:03 
может это я тупая и никак в голову не возьму, вот объясните мне,
Очки (ни в кавычках, ни без оных) в деньги все равно не превратятся...
А что касается "респекта и уважухи", если Вам именно этого хочется, так у нас тут форум очень маленький, мы все друг друга "в лицо знаем" и четко представляем, ху из ху...
Так чего вы еще хотите???...

 Oscar Milde

link 11.04.2011 19:04 
///The big idea behind my proposal is to try and find ways to reward skill, toil and devotion as opposed to speed and cheapness.///
Lord, what a noble mind..

///But today this Forum is oftentimes way too speedy and way too cheap and I don’t buy it.///
It’s not like anyone forces you to, is it? There are other forums out there, to say nothing of entire “other spheres”, which you said in your last post were beckoning – what has become of that, by the way?


link 11.04.2011 19:23 
re: this Forum is oftentimes way too speedy and way too cheap and I don’t buy it.
довольно обидные ваши слова (с) П. Шариков


link 11.04.2011 19:43 
девушке анекдот про "неуловимого Джо" рассказывали? )))


link 11.04.2011 19:50 
16 лет переводческого стажа из любой девушки сделает женщину, кхм.. такшта здесь вам не тут, Mutarjim.


link 11.04.2011 19:54 
похоже, вы не совсем меня поняли


link 11.04.2011 19:58 
не, не думаю, что вы правы:) про анекдот в курсе. просто Кирша уже выросла из девушек, обращение некоррЭктно.


link 11.04.2011 20:00 
поименование, верней сказать


link 11.04.2011 20:25 
а какое коррэктно?
- Женщина...?
- Мадам...?
- Гражданочка...?

> this is an industry Forum designed for the specialist, а не какой-нить там a bla-bla-bla forum for the nonspecialist
Первый тезис ошибочен, все остальное - просто следствия...

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