

link 27.08.2002 20:43 
Subject: Please help to translate! проектирование агрегатного станка ...
проектирование агрегатного станка для обработки щек кривошипно-шатунного механизма мопедного двигателя модели Д14
will "Constructional design of the modular machine for processing and treatment of crankshaft web for model D14 moped engine" do?
thanks in advance


link 28.08.2002 4:02 
To plan or to design-точный перевод для "проектировать" нужно выкинуть constractional.It's misleading because most of the time 'constractional' has to do with the constractions-большинство с констракшин относится к стройке, а не конструированию.моделировани. вышеуказ.перевод наиболее употребл.в США Канаде и Англии Therefore it should go as following: the design of the modular machine (or machine-tool depending on the technical aspect of your text)for treatment of (get read of processing- either one but not both) the crancshaft gear(gear/machinery-select the best again in context of the technical detail. I suspect -gear is the best) for model... However if you sure they call it 'web' then use 'web' -if not sure -dump it and go for 'gear'or 'machinery'. Let me know if you got that. Spasibo. Yana Ottawa


link 28.08.2002 14:26 
crankshaft web - this is exactly what i got here on this site as a translation of "щекa кривошипно-шатунного механизма". i have no idea what it is, someone asked me to help translating his diploma, and this is just the name of the diploma project, no other context.
thanks again, your comment is very helpful.


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