

link 23.11.2006 14:24 
Subject: balance

How would you translate into English the word баланс in this context:

Балансом гибкого времени является разница между реальным временем работы с вычетом обеденного перерыва и нормативным временем по графику 40-часовой рабочей недели.

Or, perhaps, you can explain to me what it means, as cannot understand what баланс времени is.

Thank you


link 23.11.2006 14:39 
arithmetic sum of
actual time spent at work less the dinner time and
scheduled working time (40 hours a week)


link 23.11.2006 14:45 
sorry, not sum, but difference of course


link 23.11.2006 14:54 
what i don't understand is the specific phrase "balance gibkogo vremeni". i do understand how to calculate it. any thoughts?

arithmetic sum - are you sure? isn't this tautology?


link 23.11.2006 15:03 
the word balance there is used in its usual meaning
гибкое время means that emploee is not limited with strict frames of working time schedule 9:00 am till 5:00 pm, i.e. he/she may come to work at 9:40am and leave it at 4:00pm one day and in quite different in others


link 23.11.2006 15:05 
Thank you. I understand what flexible time means. but you must agree, in english this makes little sense:

The balance of flexible working hours is the difference between.....

The word "balance" here makes no sense in English. Which is why I was asking.

Thanks a lot anyway. K


link 23.11.2006 15:20 
nobody argues


link 23.11.2006 19:01 
it is probably something similar to БАЛАНС РАБОЧЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ-
баланс, фиксирующий ресурсы рабочего времени работников компании и их использование в виде таблицы распределения рабочего времени. Б.р.в. позволяет выявить резервы использования рабочего времени. Рассчитывается Б.р.в. на одного среднесписочного рабочего.

you can see what it looks like here:http://refsearch.ru/prosmotr/11337-6650.htm


link 24.11.2006 16:23 
thank you. it's very helpful


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