

link 10.11.2006 12:28 
Subject: benevolent dictator
They consider me a benevolent dictator.


link 10.11.2006 12:43 
Щедрый,великодушный,милосердный диктатор...


link 10.11.2006 13:04 

benevolent dictator - просвещенный диктатор

"... профессор Г. Шведиауэр. В его же формулировке суть предлагаемого здесь выхода выражается термином benevolent despotism - деспотия, но просвещенная, благожелательная."

"There are four main forms of government, tyrannical despotism, benevolent despotism, constitutional oligarchy, and constitutional democracy. According to the principles of justice, it can be argued that only the last of these is the best form of government, because only it embodies all the principles of political justice.

Tyrannical despotism is totally unjust, because the de facto rulers govern with no one's consent, with no one's participation, and for their own good rather than for the good of the governed.

Benevolent despotism acknowledges that the good of the governed should prevail. The welfare and well-being of those subjected to benevolent despots is the end that government should serve. Nevertheless, that benevolence is curtailed by a despotism that denies the right of human beings to be governed with their consent, with a voice in their own government, and with all their natural rights secured."



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