

link 27.12.2005 5:11 
Subject: Трудности перевода procedures в тексте договора law
The intending Parties hereby legally, and irrevocably bind themselves into guarantee to each other that they shall not directly or indirectly interfere with, circumvent or attempt to circumvent, avoid, by-pass or obviate each others interest or the interest or relationship between the "Parties" with the procedures, Sellers, Buyers, brokers, dealers, distributors, shippers, financial institutions, technology owners or manufacturers, to change, increase or avoid directly or indirectly payments of established or to be established fees, commissions, or continuance of pre-established relationship or intervene in un contracted relationships with manufacturers or technology owners
with intermediaries entrepreneurs, legal council, or initiate buy/sell relationship or transactional relationship that by-passes one of the "parties" to one another in connection with any ongoing and future transaction or project.

Не подскажете какое в этом контексте значение оборота "....interest or the interest or relationship between the "Parties" with the procedures, Sellers, Buyers...."?
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