

link 26.07.2023 6:35 
Subject: Использование слова stanza в книге, описывающей древнеегипетские иероглифы. Очень выручите, если ответите.
Spell 150 (Unis’s Spell 143)

Teti’s abomination is these two: he does not eat (them). Teti’s abomination

is these two (stanza 3).

Epithets whose referents are understandable

from their context (for example, those of the Sun in the second

stanza of Unis’s Spell 155) are not included, nor are unique proper names

whose meaning or referents are unknown.

The spells themselves are divided into stanzas reflecting both the style

and the content of the text.

Сами заклинания выглядят так:

Здесь есть некоторое повторение. Автор в книге говорит, посмотрите, например, 13-ю stanza. Решил, что это строфа. Могут ли в заклинаниях быть строфы. Называем ли мы их так. Это ведь не стихи.

Также, ищу человека, который разбирается в египтологии. Очень выручите, если найдётесь.


152 RECITATION. Atum, this Osiris here is your son, whom you have made

revive and live:

he will live and this Unis will live, he will not die and this Unis will

not die,

he will not perish and this Unis will not perish;

he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away:

he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away.

Shu, this Osiris here is your son, whom you have made revive and live:

he will live and this Unis will live, he will not die and this Unis will

not die,


he will not perish and this Unis will not perish;

he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away:

he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away.

Tefnut, this Osiris here is your son, whom you have made revive and live:

he will live and this Unis will live, he will not die and this Unis will

not die,

he will not perish and this Unis will not perish;

he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away:

he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away.

Geb, this Osiris here is your son, whom you have made revive and live:

he will live and this Unis will live, he will not die and this Unis will

not die,

he will not perish and this Unis will not perish;

he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away:

he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away.

Nut, this Osiris here is your son, whom you have made revive and live:

he will live and this Unis will live, he will not die and this Unis will

not die,

he will not perish and this Unis will not perish;

he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away:

he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away.

Isis, this Osiris here is your brother, whom you have made revive and live:

he will live and this Unis will live, he will not die and this Unis will

not die,

he will not perish and this Unis will not perish;

he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away:

he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away.


link 26.07.2023 6:42 
В целом, закрыл вопрос. Нашёл у автора: Первая из этих строф, то есть третья строфа заклинания, описывает жизнь в гробнице с точки зрения свободы передвижения.


link 26.07.2023 6:42 
Однако, требуется переводчик с древенеегипетского, либо человек, сведущий в египтологии.

 laya shkoda

link 26.07.2023 9:07 
Я не египтолог, но очень интересно, о чем речь? В чем Ваш вопрос?


link 26.07.2023 10:56 
Понять, что автор имеет ввиду, когда пишет stanza


link 26.07.2023 10:57 
Это либо строка, либо строфа. Может у египтян это строка, иероглифами, а у нас строфа, группой строк.


link 26.07.2023 20:52 
"жизнь в гробнице с точки зрения свободы передвижения." - понравилось

"Египтяне вкладывали в саркофаги умерших маленькие деревянные статуэтки Шу - чтобы покойный не задохнулся в Загробном Царстве, где воздуха нет"


если отвлечься от Египта:

"Stanzas are the poetic equivalent of a prose paragraph. They are a series of lines grouped together and separated from other groups of lines or stanzas by a skipped line."


а это случайно не Ваши заклинания?


пока не пришел египтолог



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