

link 2.11.2020 11:20 
Subject: commitments
При описании антимонопольной деятельности (antitrust) встретился термин commitments:

Here, as illustrated in Chapter 14, an explicit refusal to deal, or a de facto refusal, may trigger intervention, in the form of decisions, commitments, or interim measures.

Ни выше, ни ниже по тексту слово commitment  больше не употребляется в том же самом значении. Пришлось обратиться к иным источникам по аналогичным вопросам, где  commitments найти не  удалось, но обнаружилось нечто близкое:

Over the last decade, an increasing number of competition authorities have obtained powers to adopt commitment decisions or other forms of negotiated/ consensual termination of antitrust cases. The terminology used varies depending on the jurisdictions: some refer to these tools as commitment decisions, others as consent decrees, consent orders, or (written) undertakings. Resolution through commitment decisions or other negotiated remedies can be very attractive for competition authorities, companies and third parties, although there are concerns regarding the use of commitment decisions as opposed to full-fledged infringement investigations.

В общем, если считать, что  commitments  и  commitment decisions - одно и то же, то речь идет о решениях, которые достигаются переговорами сторон: государственного органа и компании.

Вопрос: как назвать по-русски?


link 2.11.2020 11:22 
Вот еще пример:

The commitment procedure can be very attractive for companies suspected of having infringed competition law, which conveniently avoid an in-depth investigation and a potential fine. From the competition authorities’ perspective, it also constitutes an effective procedural tool to swiftly remedy a situation that prima facie raises antitrust concerns. However, beyond appearances, commitments may, in the long run, be offset by adverse legal and practical consequences that are often relegated in the background. With this in mind, this article aims at bringing to light the potential legal risks and practical difficulties for companies which may result from the commitment procedure.


link 2.11.2020 11:50 
имхо, обязательства (по исправлению ситуации....- т.е. "будем вести себя хорошо"))))


"Traditionally, antitrust proceedings could only end in two ways. The agency could either find sufficient  evidence of an infringement of the competition law in which case it would issue a cease and desist order and impose appropriate fines to deter future similar behaviour; or it could close the case with a non-infringement decision. Today most competition authorities have a third option: they can accept remedies (or commitments) proposed by the parties to address the initial concerns identified by the agency. If accepted, the commitments are binding on the party who submitted them and no competition infringement is established.."


link 2.11.2020 11:55 
что-то типа "мирового соглашения"

см. там же

"There is no uniform terminology for such consensual, early termination procedures in competition regimes. They are called “commitment decisions” in the European Union (EU), where they were introduced by Regulation 1/2003,1 and in most of the EU member countries. The US Department of Justice (DOJ), the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) and the Israeli Antitrust Authority for example refer to them as “consent decrees”, while the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) calls them “consent orders”. Other jurisdictions refer to them as “undertakings” or “written undertakings”; this is especially the case in some non-OECD jurisdictions (e.g. Zambia and Malaysia). This paper will refer to all such negotiated remedies as “commitment decisions”."


http://www.multitran.com/m.exe?l1=1&l2=2&s=consent decree


link 2.11.2020 13:09 
Благодарю. По смыслу это действительно что-то вроде мировых соглашений.


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