

link 7.04.2020 9:52 
Subject: Необходимо перевести данные предложения
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Необходимо перевести данные предложения: 

They can scarcely avoid being cast as propounding just one version o f the good life among many others, notwithstanding their own claims to be speaking about what is really the case. Their refusal to be typecast leads straightaway to charges of seeking to ‘impose their morality’ upon others, and so of being ‘oppressive’.

Особенно интересует перевод выделенных фраз.

Предложения в контексте:

So churches and other bearers o f the truth about human well-being are marginalized. They can scarcely avoid being cast as propounding just one version o f the good life among many others, notwithstanding their own claims to be speaking about what is really the case. Their refusal to be typecast leads straightaway to charges of seeking to ‘impose their morality’ upon others, and so of being ‘oppressive’. The ‘diversity’ social script and the ‘value neutrality’ which it would establish as political orthodoxy plainly block access to the common good by denying - for operative public purposes, at least - that there are objective goods which could be held in common.

Предложения взяты с книги "The Cambridge Companion to Natural Law Jurisprudence".

Another version of truth (c) T.Reznor.

Религия - опиум для никого. Клерикалитет едва ли сможет избежать участи назидателей. Отказ от роли ведущего приводит непосредственно к инвективам, дескать, они насаждают свой моральный взгляд на вещи другим. Они просто насилуют.


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