

link 27.05.2016 10:12 
Subject: a case of the weirds gen.
... you said you felt dizzy, you had a case of the weirds, the way you do when you're hung over...

Что это за синдром такой? В интернете есть несколько ссылок, все равно не поняла, как это будет по-русски. "Не в себе" что ли?


link 27.05.2016 10:22 
в растрёпанных чувствах, выбит из колеи?


link 27.05.2016 10:34 
душевный раздрай, чо:)


link 27.05.2016 21:01 
It's not a recognised English expression -- it's a colloquial, humorous one which the author may even have invented, based on similar colloquial, humorous expressions such as:

He's got....
* a case of the shakes (=he's shaking)
* a case of the Mondays (=he's feeling miserable because it's his first day back at work after the weekend)
* a case of the sniffles (=he's got a cold)
* a case of the stomach monkeys (=he's feeling apprehensive about some forthcoming event -- eg, taking an exam).

They're designed to (jokingly) make it sound as though the person has a professionally-diagnosed medical illness, as in the following:
* a case of influenza
* a case of pneumonia
* a case of heart disease
which show the correct use of 'a case of ......'.

So 'he's got a case of the weirds' will just mean 'he's experiencing weird feelings/sensations' -- as you do when you have a hangover.


link 28.05.2016 8:16 
не в своей тарелке


link 29.05.2016 16:18 
Всем спасибо.


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