
 Marina Khabibullina

link 10.09.2013 12:23 
Subject: Use of Chlorine Dioxide to Restore Municipal Potable Water Wells gen.
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Use of Chlorine Dioxide to Restore Municipal Potable Water Wells


A major Southern California municipality servicing a population of over 100,000 uses potable water source wells to supplement its surface water supply of drinking water. The wells began experiencing high bacteria levels, sulfur odors, and reduced production capacities. The primary problem identified was bacterial fouling and biomass accumulation in the wells. The municipality attempted remedial treatments with sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide. While initial flow-back results were promising, bacterial contamination levels equivalent to pre-treatment were observed within a few days. Additionally, no improvement was seen in the production capacity of the wells. Some of the wells had experienced up to a seventy percent decline in productivity while retaining the original rest water levels in the well, indicating severe fouling


link 10.09.2013 12:36 
Примерно так: Использование двуокиси хлора для очищения скважин, служащих для снабжения городов питьевой водой.
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link 10.09.2013 12:51 
... скважин муниципального питьевого водоснабжения


link 10.09.2013 13:06 
скважины бывают водозаборными - ....для обработки водозаборных скважин муниципальной системы водоснабжения


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