

link 23.01.2013 8:22 
Subject: Comma in salutation after direct address gen.
Hi, everyone. Been racking my brain over:

Hi, John,

Letter body


Hi John,

Letter body

Which one is correct?



link 23.01.2013 8:28 
both are correct if you replace the comma at the end of the first line with an exclamation mark! :)


link 23.01.2013 8:29 

No. Exclamation mark isn't usually used there in an English letter.

 Lonely Knight

link 23.01.2013 8:34 
Comma is needed, although it's become common practice to omit it.


link 23.01.2013 8:42 
x-z, come on!

"John," - correct.
"Hello, John!" - correct.
"Hi, John!" - correct.
"Hello John!" - correct (in informal letters).
"Hi John!" - correct (in informal letters).


link 23.01.2013 8:43 
"Good morning, John!" is correct as well.


link 23.01.2013 8:43 
"John!" - incorrect.
"Dear John!" - incorrect.


 Lonely Knight

link 23.01.2013 8:49 
Depends on how you define "correct". I believe it should go like "complying with the established rules". Rules, not practice. Rules are written somewhere.

"Hello John!" is not correct, it's just "OK" in informal letters. Same as when you chat and do not use capital letters at the end of the sentence.


link 23.01.2013 8:50 

No exclamation if formal correspondence, though. I don't disagree it can be used in informal letters.


link 23.01.2013 8:51 
еще бывает ":"


link 23.01.2013 8:53 
Двоеточие характерно для американского английского.


link 23.01.2013 8:57 
Yep. I've seen "Hello John:". Looks weird.


link 23.01.2013 9:43 
Двоеточие используется в американской официальной корреспонденции.
Например, Dear Sir:
Если интересно, можно прочесть "Казнить нельзя помиловать. Бескомпромиссный подход к пунктуации" автор Линн Трасс. Книга есть в сети, там написано как правильно расставить запятые или другие знаки препинания.


link 23.01.2013 9:50 



link 23.01.2013 11:11 
"Hello" is already informal, nuff said.


link 23.01.2013 13:41 

Eats, Shoots & Leaves. The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.

Prefer reading in the author's language.


link 23.01.2013 15:47 
Check e-mails from your European colleagues in your mailbox.


link 23.01.2013 15:57 
No comas or other punctiation marks here - in my e-mails or snailmail letters - they have disappeared together with other extra dots

Hi Rengo
I am.....

eg ie St (Street) - no dots


link 24.01.2013 10:37 
No comas indeed! :)


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