

link 4.02.2012 12:50 
Subject: provention gen.
Не могу найти перевод слова provention, помогите пожалуйста перевести.
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте: Fuzzy definition of knowledge and skill competencies is exacerbated by conflict resolution’s response-driven nature. It addresses extant conflict rather than provention or transformation


link 4.02.2012 12:51 
А это часом не опечатка? Может, все-таки prevention?


link 4.02.2012 12:57 
Не должна быть, там слово выделено как отдельный термин.


link 4.02.2012 13:07 
Интересно... Вот нашел еще такую штуку:

It is not sufficient, however, to have means of suppressing, or even resolving conflicts, and picking up the pieces afterwards. They must be provented. (Prevention implies suppression: provention is intended to imply anticipation and avoidance).


Как бы это хорошо по-русски?


link 4.02.2012 13:14 
prevention - мы это ЗАдавили в корне или в зародыше
provention - несмотря ни на что, мы это ПРОдавили в парламенте


link 4.02.2012 13:17 
Один проект ЗАдвинули,
другой — ПРОдвинули.


link 4.02.2012 13:47 
"Provention means equipping individuals and groups with the skills they need to confront conflict. Provention is not the same as prevention. Whereas to prevent conflict means to avoid it, to provent it means to learn how to confront it. Provention is built up gradually from the most superficial to the most penetrating aspects of oneself and interpersonal relations. The steps involved are as follows:

Presentation of the basic characteristics of the parties involved.
Understanding of oneself and others, and what one has in common with others around them.
Appreciation for oneself (self-esteem) and for others (how to show this appreciation towards the others).
Trust in oneself and of others. This goes hand-in-hand with individual responsibility.
Effective communication, dialogue, active listening, and how to avoid destructive dynamics.
Cooperation in groups and the benefits of non-competitive engagement. "

-понавыдумывают же.
Придется или описательно, или - проактивные действия по предотвращению?
проактивное предотвращение? активные меры?
Термин не устоялся, его нет в словаре.


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